Are you cold? :: Oliver Wood

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A/N: So Oliver is either a pure blooded wizard or a half blood in the Harry Potter stories, but to fit the plot of this he is a pure blooded wizard.

Today was the first day of holiday break, and my boyfriend Oliver had invited me to his home. It was a gorgeous one story flat in London, as mother was a muggle and continued her life as a normal muggle despite her husband and son being wizards.

The home was very cozy, it wasn't too large and it just felt right like a home should feel. Oliver's bedroom was covered in quidditch posters, and in the corner had all sorts of awards from quidditch tournaments. It didn't seem to be up to date with Oliver's maturity, as he didn't spend much time at home due to living at Hogwarts.

"It isn't much but it's home." He smiled, before laying down in the middle of his bed.

"I love it." I smiled at him as he opened his arms for me to lay in. I couldn't pass up a cuddle as I laid next to him and kissed his forehead.

"Thank you for letting me stay here Ollie."

"Anything for my girl, you know I couldn't let you be alone for the holidays." His accent sounding like music to my ears.

Soon his mom called for us for dinner where we had salad and some kind of chicken which was very good but very different from what I was used to at Hogwarts.

"So y/n what is your hobby? Oliver loves quidditch what interests you?" Oliver's mother asked as she sat on the end of the table as Oliver sat beside me, squeezing my knee in support.

"Oh I am really interested in writing, literature, it's just fascinated me since I was a young girl." I smiled. His mother nodded before going back to her dinner.

"How long have you been together?"

"It's gonna be a year in three weeks." Oliver answered, trying to ease the tension.

"Ah I see, have you two had sex yet?" I almost chocked on a piece of lettuce as Oliver turned bright red.

We had made love a few times before, on Valentine's Day and when Gryffindor has won a quidditch tournament at school, both times were very gentle and very loving but we never told anyone about it.

"I'm going to take your silence as a yes. Good for you, I hope my son is-" Oliver sat up straighter.

"Okay mum that's enough, let's not talk about this at dinner. Please." A breath I didn't know I was holding escaped my mouth as I slowly continued eating.

"Sorry, just nosey is all." I gave a small smile.

"Just Ollie make sure to use protection, I don't want any grand babies yet." My eyes widened and I felt my cheeks turn a bright red.

"Trust me mum, we're very safe."

What felt like hours later, dinner was finished and I offered to help Oliver's mom to clean up but she insisted she had it all handled. I went back to Oliver's room where he had finished setting up an air mattress on the floor beside his bed.

"Sorry I have to do this, just so mum doesn't cause a fit." Oliver smiled as he stood up from the floor, coming to me where he rubbed my arms up and down with his fingertips, causing goosebumps to appear.

"It's no worries, I understand completely." I smiled before sitting at the foot of his bed, him sitting beside me.

"I'm sorry for what mum was saying at dinner, didn't think she would ever talk about that." He chuckled, which caused me to also.

"It's no worries Ollie, as awkward as it was it could've been worse."

"Maybe one day we will give her grandkids, but not for a few years yet."

"I would love that." I blushed again, as Oliver had somewhat confirmed he thought about us having a future together.

We sat on his bed talking for hours until it got late. I grabbed one of his shirts and going into the bathroom across the hall changing for bed.

I walked back in to see his bedroom light was out and he was shirtless underneath his covers. I smiled at his relaxed figure before closing the door and getting onto the mattress on the floor.

It got colder as the night went on. I regretted sleeping without pants on, but it was tougher to sleep with them on.

I turned and looked up at Oliver on the bed, he started stirring and before I knew it he was awake and looking at me.

"Are you cold, love?" He whispered and I nodded.

He carefully got out of bed before walking over to the mattress and getting under the blanket with me, smirking when he saw my underwear exposed but he kept his arms around my waist, pulling me close to his chest that radiated heat.

"What about your mom Ollie?"

"She's asleep she won't be coming in here. And if she does, she'll have to go through me." He smiled as he brushed my hair with his fingers.

"Thank you Ollie. Goodnight, I love you."

"Anything for you princess, I love you too. See you in the morning." He kissed my temple before I fell asleep.

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