Tri- Wizard Tournament :: Harry Potter

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"The champion from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic... y/n l/n." Dumbledore's voice roared through the Great Hall as you stood up from your table and walked to the middle of the room, shaking hands with the Hogwarts headmaster.

You stood in front of the hall, right beside the Tri-Wizard Cup.

"The champion from Durmstrang... Viktor Krum." Viktor stood up and made his way to Dumbledore, shaking hands before standing beside you, giving you a light nod as you kept your attention forward.

Lastly, the Hogwarts champion was called, Cedric Diggory, but the Goblet released a fourth parchment, fourth year Harry Potter. Your eyes widened as the young boy slowly walked up, earning dark glares from fellow Hogwrats students.

Dumbledore looked Harry down with confusion and anger, searching for an answer as to how he made his way to place the name in the goblet as he was too young.

"Your four champions everyone." Dumbledore announced, some claps given, most students sat silently.


It was time for the final task. Harry and I were in the lead, each winning 1, while Cedric and Viktor had lost the first two tasks.

Now it was time for the final task, most extreme of them all. There was a maze, and in the middle of the maze there was the Tri-Wizard cup. However, the maze had obstacles and danger at every turn.

"On your marks, get set, go." Filch launched the canon and the four of us ran straight into the maze.

I held my wand tightly in my hand as I got a head start, soon the hedges started to grow together, I tried my hardest to run as fast as possible to not be closed in, before making it to a large walkway, running to the middle, before hearing footsteps behind me.

I jumped to see Harry standing beside me, with Cedric trailing behind him.

"Viktor got caught, now it's up to us." Cedric spoke and I nodded. Turning left towards the middle of the maze.

Vines started to flail through the walk way, I dodged them, cursing them with my wand. I looked behind me to see Cedric being held down by the vines.

"Go, go!" He called, and I kept going, while Harry tried his hardest to untangle Cedric.

I saw the cup in eyesight, and started sprinting to the cup, when I went to grab it, however, I realized it was a portkey. Harry heard my screams and came to hold onto the other side, as it spun us and dropped us into a darker area, that looked similar to a graveyard.

"Why are we here?" You asked carefully as Harry hissed, holding his forehead above his scar.

"He's here." Harry whispered, he stepped forward to examine a headstone but soon stopped when Peter Pettigrew, or Wormtail had appeared, holding a small figure in his arms, who we soon realized was Voldemort.

"Drop me now." Voldemort demanded as Pettigrew dropped him in a large cauldron,

"Bone of the father, unknowingly given, you will renew your son. Flesh of the servant, willingly given, you will revive your master. Blood of the enemy, forcibly taken, you will resurrect your foe." Pettigrew spoke.

Voldemort has rose from the cauldron, stepping out wearing a full length black cloak. He rubbed all around his head, as his eyes rolled forward, looking Harry in the eyes. Harry started to be held by the statue on the headstone, trapping him, holding him hostage for Voldemort to do what ever he pleases.

Pettigrew stood to the side, admiring his lord with every step he took. You walked close to Harry, as he carefully handed you his wand without anyone noticing.

You backed away, still holding Harry's wand tightly. As Voldemort got close to Harry, placing a hand on his forehead, causing Harry to yelp in continuous pain.

"You know of course, that they have called this boy my downfall? You all know that on the night I lost my powers and my body, I tried to kill him. His mother died in the attempt to save him- and unwittingly provided him with a protection. I admit I had not foreseen... I could not touch the boy. His mother left upon him the traces of her sacrifice. This is old magic, I should have remembered it, I was foolish to overlook it... but no matter. I can touch him now." Voldemort spoke loudly as death eaters arrived to the scene.

You snuck away while they focused on Harry, hiding behind a rather large statue that perfectly hid you from Voldemort and his demented followers.

"Stupefy!" You whispered, aiming for Pettigrew who fell to the ground.

Next you were after the death eaters, "stupefy" you knocked the four or five to the ground, and by now Voldemort had noticed his captive audience unresponsive.

You appeared from behind the statue, walking towards Voldemort, you tucked Harry's wand away under your shirt and now held your own in front of you.

"Oh young girl, I didn't see you were here. Nice of you to join us." Voldemort spoke, you couldn't look him in the eye, as you looked down, watching his feet lead him close to you.

He reached forward and knocked you to the ground, using his wand to keep you positioned. As he turned his back, you used a non-verbal spell to free Harry from being held by the headstone of Tom Riddle. He got behind you, taking your wand, and when Voldemort turned around, he was stunned.


"Stupefy!" Harry beat him to it, knocking Voldemort back, as he struggled to get up, you grabbed the wand off the ground before running back to the port key.

You both made it back to the arena, holding the cup between you two. Dumbledore cheered, as you hugged Harry tightly.

"Harry you saved my life. How can I ever repay you?"

"How about you meet me in the common room tonight after we're cleaned off?" You nodded, happy you had a date with Harry Potter.

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