Snowy Day :: Neville Longbottom

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It was a snowy day at Hogwarts, it was a Saturday and no classes were going on, which allowed you and your boyfriend of four months; Neville Longbottom to go out and partake in snow- activities. 

You saw Ron, Harry, Hermione, Fred, George, Dean, Oliver and Seamus having a large snowball fight but knowing Neville and how timid he could be, you decided to steer away from throwing snowballs, you two walked into the snow covered courtyard and found a desserted area that had a large amount of snow.

"What do you say Nev? Wanna build a snowman?" You asked, looking down at the snow and Neville nodded, you started to roll different sized balls of snow to create the snowman body, Neville insisting on working on the largest part which would be the bottom of the snowman.

Neville being Neville and his poor luck, he fell into the large ball of snow. You held back your chuckles until Neville turned around, showing his front being covered in snow as he started laughing.

"Why is it always me?" He shook his head as he stood up, you held his hand and helped wipe off some snow from his sweater.

"You okay Nev?" You ask, as his cheeks turned pink.

"Thankfully, could've broken something if I actually hit the ground." You kissed his rosy cheek before going back to rebuilding the large snow ball.

You rolled the ball into place before making a medium sized ball, using your wand to lift it and carefully place it on top of the first ball.

You let Neville make the head of the snowman, it being about the size of a quaffle as Neville managed to pick it up and put it on the top of the snowman. 

Once the outline was complete, you and Neville got to work giving the snowman eyes, a nose, mouth and buttons, deciding not to give him a hat or a scarf because it was rather chilly still.

Neville made a rose appear in the palm of his hand, as he knew all sorts of Herbology spells he used the rose to put on the snowman's body, as if the snowman was wearing a suit and had a flower as a broach.

You two stepped back, in front of the medium sized snowman, holding hands before inspecting your snowman. You smiled at Neville who stood proudly. He turned to you where you stood on your tiptoes to kiss his lips sweetly.

"Thank you for making this a fun snow day." Neville muttered shyly.

"Thank you for making this fun as well, I enjoyed making the snowman with you." You said, blushing as you were being complimented by your boyfriend.

You two started to lean in, to share a rather passionate liplock when suddenly a snowball hits inbetween you two, nearly knocking you back. You look to the group of Gryffindors who were laughing hysterically.

"Which one of you did that?" Dean rose his hand and you shook your head.

"Let's join their battle." Neville said, taking your hand and leading you to where the snow battle was. You jogged, catching up with Neville's rather large strides.

You leaned down, grabbing a snowball and aimed straight for Dean's face, succeeding as he jumped back. Fred and George laughing.

Hermione screeched as Ron got her on the backside, snow dispersing all over her robes.

"Ron we're on the same team!"

"That's not going to stop me." Ron smirked, Hermione giving him a death glare.

"We should make new teams now that we got two new players." Seamus said, we all stood in a circle.

"Okay fine. Harry and Ron, Fred and George, Dean and Seamus, Oliver and Neville, Hermione and Y/N." 

We all went to stand beside each other. Hermione smirking once you stood beside her. You all stood back and started throwing as many snow balls as possible. 

By now Oliver, Dean, Fred and Harry were out. Neville and I started becoming more competitive as you aimed for him and he aimed for you. You hit George causing him to get out, Hermione hit Ron in the back of the head which got him out. Now it was just you, Hermione, Seamus and Neville. You formed a snowball and lunged forward, hitting Neville on the side of the leg.

He leaped with surprise before meeting your smirking face. He gave you a death glare in a joking way before standing beside the others who watched intently at the quick game.

Now it was you and Hermione against Seamus. You and Hermione worked together on making a large bludger sized snowball and knocking Seamus down on his butt, laughing as he was defeated by two girls.

Overall, this was a very successful snow day. 

A/N: the original plot was super short so I decided to add the snow ball fight, hope you enjoy! 

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