Valentines Day :: Fred Weasley

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Valentine's Day was the most dreaded day of the year, as it was just a reminder of how much of a loner you actually were.

Sure you had friends and you had a crush, but your friends had all gotten a valentine and your crush liked your ex-best friend Angelina Johnson.

She found out about your crush and threatened to tell everyone, and the next day, Fred Weasley was all over her. You were crushed and spent the rest of the day in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom crying.

You walked into the great hall slouching to show your disliking towards the holiday, the hall was silent, something out of the ordinary as you looked up. You saw no professors around and Slytherins weren't at their table, everyone was gathered in the center of the hall around Angelina who stood on a stage, with a book in her hand.

You recognized the book right away as it was your diary, your private book that you wrote your feelings down in, and she was reading it to the whole school.

"Dear diary, Fred Weasley is so cute but it's a shame he'll never know I exist. All I'll ever be is just another Gryffindor taking up space at the table. It's a shame because I would lend him my uterus to carry his babies in a heartbeat."

Angelina started laughing as did everyone else who was around her. Spotting Fred and George right away heat rose to your cheeks before running fast out of the hall, blinking back tears.

The whole hall gasped as they saw the embarrassed y/n leave the hall, as Fred ran after her despite Angelina's desperate calls.

You made it through the portrait hole and stumbled onto the couch, before falling on top of it and stuffing your face into a pillow.

It was a matter of minutes before someone else had arrived in the room, footsteps quickened and stopped beside you. You held your breath as a hand placed itself on your back, before rubbing in a calm manner.

"What she did back there was stupid, she shouldn't have invaded your privacy like that." It was Fred's voice. You buried your face farther in the pillow, not daring to face your crush who now knows of your feelings.

"Don't cry lovey." He whispered in your ear, moving your hair from your wet face, he carefully lifted you up, so you were holding onto him like a koala would onto a tree as he supported one arm underneath your bum and had another arm around your shoulders. Holding your frame effortlessly.

"I thought you and Angie were the best of friends." He whispered and you shook your head that was nuzzled in his neck.

"S-she found out that I liked you and then started to hang all over you, she'll never be a friend to me again." You muttered, as he pressed his cheek against the top of your head.

"What a git, how could I have never seen this before?" He spoke to himself aloud.

"Lucky for her I got some early prototypes of our newest pranking items." You giggled lightly.

"There's that laugh I know and love." He smiled brightly at the sound rising to his ears.

"You love my laugh?" He nodded, you pulled your face away from his neck as his face softened to see the tear stained cheeks.

He wiped away all the stray tears from your face.

"Y/n I love you, way more than I ever did Angie, and you've never been just another face at the table, by the way." He smiled as you looked down and blushed.

He sat down on the couch with you on his lap as he still had his arms around your waist.

"Maybe one day I'll take you up on that offer of yours." He winked which caused you to turn more red.

"Fred Weasley, I love you so much." You whispered.

"I love you more than you'll ever know." He said before cupping your cheek gently, bringing you closer to his face and placing a delicate and loving kiss to your lips.

"What is going on in here?" A sharp voice rang from the entry of the common room.

Fred pulled away to see Angelina standing there, angry with your diary still in her hand. George has his arms crossed behind her. Fred sighed, gently putting y/n on the couch beside him as he stood up and got in Angelina's face.

"Kissing my girlfriend, because you and I, what ever we had is over. I don't want to be with a girl who publicly embarrasses someone so innocent and someone who doesn't actually like me but just gets with me to make someone jealous."

George's eyes grew wide as he stared at Angelina who looked incredibly embarrassed and dropped the book in her hand onto the floor.

She stomped off to the girls dormitories as Fred picked the diary up from the floor before walking back to y/n.

"I believe this belongs to you." You smiled and took it from him before placing it down beside you.

"So where were we?" Fred rose his eyebrows as he got down on the couch beside you and pulled you to him, placing another kiss to your lips.

"Hmm." George coughed, you narrowing your eyes at him playfully as he did the same.

"What now George?" Fred asked, agitated.

"Oh um I don't know." He walked to the dorms before Fred immediately turned back to you, engaging you in yet another kiss.

"Happy Valentine's Day, my love." He said as he pulled away and moved a strand of hair behind your ear.

"Happy Valentine's Day Freddie." You smiled as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

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