Dear Diary :: Oliver Wood

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A/N: got this idea after writing the last chapter and decided to write this one, hope you enjoy and be sure to vote! :)


One day y/n was working on her potions essay in the common room while her boyfriend of one year, Oliver Wood was no where to be seen, maybe in the boy's dormitories.

As you was more than halfway done with the essay, she heard footsteps coming down the stairs and a lot of giggling, that belonged to Oliver.

You looked up, worried maybe Oliver had someone with him but nope, he was alone and making himself laugh which caused you to giggle slightly.

As he came into view from the stairs you watched as he scanned what ever book he was reading and laughing while blushing madly. You narrowed your eyes, the book looked like any other, an olive green hardback book that was just a normal sized.

You rolled your eyes at your giggly boyfriend before getting back to work on your essay. You had two lines left before you heard your boyfriend laugh hysterically once more. You put your quill down before turning to Oliver who was on the ground laughing.

"Ollie could you tell me what's so funny?" You turned to him as he laughed even harder.

"This book is genius, y/n you should become a writer." Your eyes grew wide.

"Is that my-"

"To be fair Fred has a similar one just like it." He sat up.

"Fred has a diary?" You rose an eyebrow.

"He calls it a journal."

"That's what I call mine." You said trying to reach for it but he stood up causing you to not reach it.

"Dear diary, today Oliver and I had our first kiss and it was magical." He started, in a high pitched voice.

"That's not how I sound." You said angrily.

"His lips tasted like strawberries and it was all that I dreamed it would be." He sat down beside you on the couch.

You went back to finishing your final line as you felt Oliver's eyes on you, heat rising to your cheeks, not remembering what else you had written in the journal.

Once you finished the essay you quickly packed it away in your bag before turning back to Oliver who was about to start reading another entry out loud.

"Dear diary, I watched Oliver practice quidditch today, wonder if he'll ever let me ride his broom." He smirked as he moved his gaze back to my face as your eyes grew wide.

"Which broom are we talking?" He winked and you rolled your eyes.

"Shut up Oliver give me my journal back!" You sat up but he stood up once more reading the next page.

"Dear diary, I can't stop thinking about Oliver today, he has some sort of effect on me that I just can't shake away. He's all I think about at night and during the day." Oliver put his hand in front of him to shield you from attacking him.

"Maybe tonight will finally be the night I show him how much I love him." He wiggled his eyebrows. Earning yet another eye roll from you.

"Give it back Ollie!"

"One more, one more!" You sighed as you sat down on the couch giving up, knowing that Oliver finds far too much entertainment in this personal book of yours.

"Dear diary, I'm on the monthly and I'm having serious baby fever. Like when can Oliver finally impregnate me?" You shot up with wide eyes as Oliver's eyes grew wide.

"Okay that's enough." He tossed the book to you.

"Ew you touched that book when you were on that." He made a disgusted face before wiping his hands on his navy blue sweater.

"Oh Oliver you just showed your biggest weakness." You smirked, picking the book back up before flipping to an empty page before dipping your quill in some ink before writing another entry.

Dear diary,
Remember that talking about your monthly is Oliver's weakness, it could come in handy.

You smirked before packing the journal up and marching to your dorm, leaving a disgusted Oliver behind.

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