Chocolate Frogs :: Ron Weasley

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All day you had been craving chocolate, and for once, Ron was helpful as he had a secret stash full of candy that was calling your name.

Everyone knew Ron had a sweet tooth and an endless stomach, the guy could eat for days. You on the other hand didn't have as much of a sweet tooth or a stomach compared to Ron.

As a girl (sorry if you're a male reader), you get blessed with the period cycle every month. Ron isn't quite used to this as he doesn't have a uterus and he doesn't pay too much attention to when Ginny has to go through it.

You usually kept your mouth shut at this time as you were strong and periods didn't have much of an affect on you other than you getting a bit snappier or affectionate regarding what your mood swings are like that month.

This month was a different story, you wanted nothing but to just sit on the couch of the common room and eating chocolate, maybe having a good cuddle session with Ron but mostly eating chocolate.

You had come across his secret stash which had to consist of at least fifty chocolate frogs. Seriously how much candy could the guy eat at once? You took ten, to eat throughout the day.

You sat on the couch, the boxes in your lap as you had your favorite muggle book in your hand reading and escaping from reality.

Ten pages and five frogs later, you were caught in the act by your boyfriend Ron and his friend Harry. You and Harry got along, but you weren't close friends by any means, you and Hermione on the other hand were like sisters.

"What the bloody hell y/n?" Ron asked shocked. You closed your book and put it to the side guilt taking over you.

"You never eat chocolate, what's the matter?"

"My uterus called for chocolate Ron. I saved you the cards from the frogs though." You handed him the five cards as he looked mortified that his precious chocolate was being eaten.

"Bloody I got Newt Scamander and another bloody Dumbledore." Ron whined as he handed the card to Harry.

While the two boys whined back and forth to each other over the Dumbledore card, you quietly opened another frog, popping it into your mouth before it could drop away.

"Y/N!" Ron shouted. You smiled as you chewed up the frog.

"Woman you're gonna be the death of me." Ron whined as he sat down beside you on the couch.

"Grow up Ron, I need the chocolate more than you do." You laid back down, opening your book and continued to block out your boyfriend's whines and complaints.

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