Tattooed Heart :: George Weasley

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You don't need a lot of money,
Honey you don't have to play no games.
All I need is all your lovin'
To get the blood rushing through my veins.

When you and George first became a pair, he immediately felt unworthy to you as he couldn't afford to spoil you the way boyfriends typically do to their girlfriends. You noticed this and quickly told him you didn't need any gifts, as they wouldn't make you love him any more and that the best gift he could give you is his love. However this didn't stop him as whenever he was able to have some spare change, he spent it on you despite your protests.

I wanna say we're going steady,
Like it's 1954.
It doesn't have to be forever,
Just as long as I'm the name
On your tattooed heart

Yours and George's relationship was steady, it was never bumpy. Every day was an adventure waiting to be lived, and with George by your side it was never dull. You two had walked through the forbidden Forrest at night time, and as it was getting later, it was getting colder. He unzipped his sweater as he opened it up and held it open in front of you, enveloping you in his body heat. You laughed at his behavior but nonetheless appreciated it.

You don't need to worry about making me crazy
'Cause I'm way past that.
Eh, and so just call me, if you want me
'Cause you got me and I'll show you how much I want to be
On your tattooed heart

Throughout your first year, George gave you butterflies, and ultimately that honeymoon phase. He always complimented you, gave you sweet pecks and ultimately tried to drag the stage way farther than it was. This gave you much more time to think about how George is definitely- without a doubt- the one for you.

Wrap me in your jacket, my baby
And lay me in your bed.

One night, more specifically for your two year anniversary, George took you out to hogsmeade and it was the perfect day. You two had gone to honeydukes, the three broomsticks, and George even found a vacant storefront that he planned to open his own joke shop in someday. As your date concluded, the snow started to sprinkle from the sky. You looked up in awe at the sight, meanwhile George stared at you, like you were the most beautiful thing on the planet.

He leaned forward and kissed you passionately, in the middle of the snowy hogsmeade road with the perfect amount of snow falling.

"We better get back to school." He said once you pulled away as you nodded. He took your hand and walked you back to the castle, and up to his common room.

You two laid on the couch for many hours, your head in his lap as he played with your hair, causing you to fall into sleep. Once he noticed, he smiled brightly, before carefully picking you up and taking you to his dorm. He laid you on his bed, taking off your shoes and taking off your sweater, before tucking you in.

He smiled at your sleeping figure before getting into bed himself, before wrapping himself around you. 

Kiss me underneath the moonlight
Darling let me trace the lines
On your tattooed heart

When you woke up in the middle of the night from a sudden nightmare, in which George was being taken away from you, and being put under the cruciatus curse before your eyes, you shot up. Sweat heading down your face. The sudden movement waking George as well, as he sat up with you.

"Darling what's wrong?" You shook your head before engulfing him in a hug.

"Don't ever leave." You murmured, as he wrapped his arms around you.

"Wasn't planning on ever doing so." He whispered, kissing the top of your head before rubbing your back soothingly.

The moonlight shown through the curtain, casting a bluish glow to your face, George cupped your cheek and wiped your tears away. Pressing his forehead to yours.

"I won't let anything ever happen to you my angel. You are going to be safe, always." He promised, you nodded as he pressed a kiss to your lips. You instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck as he laid down, pulling you on top of him without breaking the kiss.

Once the kiss ended, you laid on his bare chest, tracing heart shapes with your finger over his heart.

"I love you Georgie." You murmured, pressing a kiss to his chest.

"I love you more than you will ever know."

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