Newbie :: Oliver Wood

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"You should totally try out for quidditch." Hermione said, while writing answers to her homework down. Harry and Ron sat across from her at the Gryffindor table in the great hall. Even if you aren't a Gryffindor you just sit with them because they are your best friends afterall. You were thinking about trying out and the golden trio were trying to get you to do so.

"Yeah, Wood is easy on everyone trying out, if you make the team it's a different story." Harry said, laughing as Ron stuffed his face with left over breakfast food.

"Yeah, he's hard on Fred and George mostly." Ron said while his mouth was full.

"Charming, Ronald." Hermione scolded.

"I think I'll do it." You said, thinking about it going well.

**later at the quidditch pitch***

You arrived in your house robes and had your broom in hand ready to try out for the team. There weren't very many people there, maybe they had all that they needed.

"Oh y/l/n, heard you would be trying out." Oliver spoke, his Scottish accent sounding like music in your ears. You nodded, not being able to find words to come out.

You got on your broom and started flying to prepare for catching what ever ball Wood decides to throw at you. The Weasley twins were there, and you looked in the stands to see your best friends watching and Ron eating- like always.

"Y/n!" Wood called and you watched as he unleashed the quaffle and you effortlessly caught it and threw it half way across the pitch to get it in the tallest of the three hoops. Not even Oliver Wood could do that.

You smirked to yourself as you heard Hermione cheering at the top of her lungs and you carefully landed back on the pitch grass as the Weasley twins were sent to retrieve the ball.

You stood with your broom, waiting for Oliver to tell you how you did.

"Wow, you're really good, thought you would be a newbie or something." Oliver chuckled to himself.

"Just ask her out already mate." One of the twins interrupted as the other put the ball back in the chest.

Oliver turned a bright pink shade and looked at you, you smiling knowing he was embarrassed and you secretly thought it was really cute.

"Would you like to go out sometime? Maybe to Hogsmeade this weekend?" He tilted his head to the side.

"I would love to Ollie, and how did I do with the try outs?"

"You easily got on the team, I'll have to tell Angelina that she's kicked off."

"We could do that." Fred and George cheered.

"No, I wouldn't let you two deliver such hard news." Oliver shook his head as he reached for your right hand. You accepted and intertwined your fingers with his, smiling.

He lead you two back to the Gryffindor common room where you spent talking about the rest of the evening talking about quidditch, occasionally talking about how excited you are for your first date.

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