Heartbroken :: Ron Weasley

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A/N: this is similar to one I've written about the twins, but this is a little different :)


Y/n and Cedric Diggory were the it couple, everyone respected the fact a Gryffindor and Hufflepuff were together, even though it wasn't like it was a Slytherin and Gryffindor, that would change the history of Hogwarts.

Y/n and Cedric started going out two months before he Yule ball and surely you knew he was going to ask you out. You two never had any arguments or fights, you always got along and he was overall a sweetheart. However, it was all an act.

Three days before the ball you rounded a corner to get to class when you saw Pansy Parkinson pressing Cedric against the wall. You knew deep down Cedric wouldn't do this to you willingly, and everyone knew Pansy was the biggest slut in Hogwarts, all the guys knew her games and ultimately would shrug her off, but Cedric's laid back nature caused him to not be able to stand up for himself, and it hurt you.

Pansy opened her eyes and pulled away, smirking at you as she accomplished what she wanted to- to hurt you and destroy the star couple of Hogwarts.

"Y/n, wait!" Cedric tried jogging to catch up with you and you shook your head, running quickly to the portrait hole as it shut behind you before Cedric got the chance to clear the air. You knew it would happen at some point, Pansy always found a way to destroy relationships, just like she did with yours.

"Y/n, what's the matter?" Your brother, Ron asked from the couch as him and Harry turned to see your distressed figure at the entrance of the common room. Your bag dropped to the floor as you gasped for air, tears flooding out of your eyes as Ron and Harry quickly got to you, Ron picking you up before taking you to the sofa, as Harry just awkwardly watched.

"What happened?" Ron asked, rubbing your shoulder as you sat in his lap.

"P-Pansy, she kissed C-Cedric." You shook your head as Ron sighed before cradling your head into his shoulder. Ron and you were the closest out of all the Weasley siblings, even you gave Fred and George a run for their money. Ron and you were a year apart- you were twins with Ginny but somehow you and Ron just formed the best sibling relationship out there.

"I'm gonna kill him. No one hurts my sister like that." Ron pouted as Harry sighed.

"I thought he was different." Ron muttered and you shook your head.

"It was Pansy, she pressed him against the wall."

"It doesn't matter. You're crying because a situation that involves him, he could've pushed her off." You shrugged, knowing he was right.

"Now I have no one to go to the ball with." You moved your head out of Ron's shoulder as you slumped on the couch, Harry putting a hand on your shoulder.

"No no, I won't let that happen. Let me go do something really quick." Ron stood up, taking Harry with him before leaving you alone on the couch.

Two days had gone by and you hadn't been told anything of Ron's devious plan. Here it was, the day of the Yule Ball, with no sign of a date. You were still planning on going, it was an event you couldn't deny passing up on.

You were getting ready with Hermione and Ginny, as Hermione styled your hair and Ginny applied makeup as you did the same to them, before putting on your dresses. Ginny wore a mint green dress that had beading on the top with pink pieces to make it more youthful.

Hermione's dress was long and had all different shades pink everywhere and had a ribbon around the waist. Your dress was floor length as well, but it was a baby pink color with silver beading along the top and had a round cutout on the back.

You slipped on gold strappy heels before walking out of the dormitory and to the great hall where the guys were stood waiting for their female dates.

Ginny walked down first, to Neville and Hermione walked down next to Viktor, you couldn't see anyone waiting for you and you sighed, before walking down, carefully down each step as Ron stood at the end of the staircase waiting for you.

"Ron?" You asked as you took his arm.

"What? You're gonna reject having a fun night with your brother?" He put a hand over his chest in a dramatic way. You rolled your eyes as you followed him into the great hall that was all decked out with icicles, fake snow and beautiful flocked Christmas trees.

The four champions were dancing around the room having a great time, as you avoided Cedric's gaze, you watched as your twin took the floor with Neville, twirling around perfectly.

"Wanna dance?" Ron asked shyly and you nodded, as he pulled you to the center and started twirling you, as you laughed at your goofy brother's dance moves.

"Thank you, Ron." You smiled as he spun you.

"Of course, what's a brothers really for other than picking his sisters heart up?" He smiled as you smiled back, as he picked you up before twirling you once again.

Sure, maybe you didn't expect your brother to be your date to the ball, but it was the gesture that mattered and you knew you wouldn't have fun with anyone else.

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