Manicure :: Fred and George Weasley

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You sat in the window seat in the common room, you had a small basket of nail polishes that have been growing each month. Your muggle mother would send you one new color each month, as she knew painting your nails were always something you found quite fun.

You relaxed in your seat, as the sun peeked through the window, giving you the perfect amount of light to do what you wanted. The room was quiet, Dean and Seamus were reading and studying in the corner, Neville was working on herbology at a small table, it wasn't that late in the day, around four in the evening, and it seemed to be the perfect ending to a lazy day.

However the quiet didn't last long, your best friends, Fred and George Weasley walked in to the common room, disturbing the peace and quiet that was going on. You simply ignored them and went back to painting your toe nails a nice gold color with a smile on your face, knowing you were being watched.

Soon foot steps got louder and closer, as you finished painting your toes and capped the polish up, you blew on the nails in attempt to help dry them quicker.

"What're ya doing?" Fred asked, resting against the brick wall in front of you while George mirrored his actions to the side of you.

"Painting my toe nails." You pressed your feet against the cement beneath you as you rested back against the wall.

"Why do girls do that anyways?" George asked, sitting himself down beside you.

"It's something fun to do, it's calming." You smiled.

"Can we try?" Your eyes widened, but nodded nonetheless.

George took the small jar of gold color and untwisted the cap, carefully painting your thumb nail an even amount as Fred held your hand still.

Once your left hand was complete, the boys changed roles, Fred started to paint your right hand much messier than George did. He managed to clump a large mountain of polish on your fingers, your rolled your eyes at Fred. What else would you expect from him?

Once he was done he capped the polish up and put it back down beside you.

"Well that was fun." Fred chuckled as you and George rolled your eyes.

Now all you had to do was wait for your nails to dry, obviously George's side would take less time. After a half hour went by, your left hand was dry but right hand still wet as if it was just done. You rested your head subconsciously on George's shoulder, which caused him to look down at your sleepy figure. Fred admired the two of you before wrapping an arm around your waist and resting his own head on your right shoulder.

The three of you fell asleep in the window seat of the common room and didn't wake up until dinner time, where your nails on your right hand were finally completely dry.

A/N: sorry this sucks lol. Also a big thank you for 7K! This is actually wild and the comments I receive are so sweet! Love you guys 💕💕

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