When Whole Becomes Half :: George Weasley

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The battle of Hogwarts was over, the once perfect castle was standing broken and shattered. The courtyard was destroyed, the Great Hall was broken and crumbled, and bodies belonging to deceased professors, death eaters, and students laid before getting taken off to being buried.

Nymphadora Tonks, Remus Lupin, Lavender Brown, Colin Creevey, and someone who was like a brother to you, Fred Weasley were just some of the bodies that were laying on the ground.

You and George had been together for years, and because George and Fred were inseparable, you had no choice but to become like a sister to Fred, he came to you for advice about girls, you gave him advice about what to wear and what not to wear, and you both comforted each other like siblings, and somehow George didn't feel the slightest bit jealous because he knew you were loyal.

Now was a hard time for George as he truly lost his other half, the two had done everything together. They were born together, got into Hogwarts together, opened the joke shop together. There was never anything where one did something and the other just watched. They always were partners in projects, and assignments. That was until you came along, and with much persuasion, you worked with Hermione Granger, your best friend so the twins can still work together.

You sat on the ground of the common room, crying beside George and the rest of the Weasley family. You cradled George in your arms, like how he would normally do with you when you were sad or woke up from a nightmare. You had your arms wrapped around his head as he cried and sobbed into your chest, begging for Fred to come back, or for him to join Fred in the afterlife. Hearing the man you love wishing to die was heartbreaking but the reason why was even more devastating.

You stroked his shoulder as he leaned more into you, growing tired from all the crying he had done for the last half hour. You kissed his forehead and whispered soft nothings into his ear to calm him down. Molly stood and watched you in an admiring manner for how well you were taking care of George. Ginny was being held by Harry, and Hermione holding Ron the same way as you held George.

"It's gonna be okay Georgie. It's gonna be alright." You continued to whisper, he stopped crying, but continued to look at his brothers dead body.

"The world is cruel." George muttered, finally speaking.

"It is love, it really is. Fred was too pure for this world." You said softly into his ear, he nodded with your words.

"But he died protecting me, if I protected him, he would still be here."

"And you wouldn't be, and Fred would be here grieving the same as you are right now."

"You think so?"

"I know so, love, that wall was coming down regardless of who was standing there, it just so happened to be Fred. Just remember he isn't feeling pain anymore, and he's still in your heart and will be there forever." You reared up, touching George's chest where his heart was beating. You would do this whenever he needed to calm down.

"The world is cruel."

"It is, but there's nothing we could do now, but just remember everything you two did together." You kissed his head and let him even his breathing while he held onto you tightly, scared that you would slip away, too.

**2 years later**

You and George had continued to go back to work and live above the joke shop. He knew going back would be tough as his partner in crime wasn't there with him, but he recruited Ron to work in the position Fred had and he felt better one of his brothers was with him during the tough transition.

You worked there as well. You helped stock shelves and worked in the flat above the shop helping George with Fred's unfinished product designs and you completed them in a logical way, trying to remember how Fred would've wanted it done.

It was a slow day at the shop, not as many customers were in, which left you and George a bit of alone time in your flat. You two had hung moving photos of Fred and George on some walls to help George see Fred everyday. It helped the two of you, and you listened to the same stories George told about them growing up.

"And this photo was after Fred and I dyed mum's hair lime green. As mad as she was, she must've enjoyed it because she told us to do it again later on." He chuckled to himself, he moved down the line and pointed to another photo, you were sat in between the two twins.

"That was the first time I brought you home, and Fred said you were a keeper. He really thought of you as a sister, the same way Ginny does. And Ron." He smiled to himself.

"I considered Fred a brother to me too, same with Ron and Percy. Ginny is like the sister I never had but always wanted." You smiled back, remembering the time you first met the Weasleys, and how they immediately accepted you.

"It's chaotic how things can happen so quickly." George bursted out, you sat up straighter and waited for him to continue.

"Like how a whole can become a half right away."

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