chapter 8

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"damon im scared." i say walking towards him slowly.

"i know" he says getting up, "we need to leave."

"well well well" i hear chaz come into the room, standing near the door way.

i stand behind damon, not entirely sure what else to do at this point.

"im leaving, until you get your fucking shit together" damon says to chaz with a straight look on his face, damon looks tired.

"says the fucker holding the gun" chaz tells him laughing.

"your gun" damon corrects him.

"your brothers gun" chaz digging a deeper whole.

damon grips the gun harder and clenches his jaw but chaz takes a fewer steps towards us.

"you wouldn't leave me knowing what happened when your brother tried to" chaz says swinging his hands around the room exaggerating, "and look, he's gone—dead, because of his own actions." he's testing damons anger even more.

"fuck you" damon spits with his low voice.

he points the gun to chaz's direction.

"i warned him, kept fucking warning him not to leave" chaz sighs sarcastically and shakes his head a little, not even shocked or acknowledging the gun pointed at his face.

"enough!" damon shouts.

chaz looks at me and i move enough to cover half of my body behind damon. i grip onto damon's black shirt from behind trying to hold myself up.

"one beautiful girl enters the house, and all the men want a taste of her" chaz slurs and laughs by his own words.

"why did you bring her down here?" damon snaps at chaz not moving his gun.

"she saw you shoot gusto, i was going to tell her not to open her mouth about it, that's all damon" chaz explains.

i always thought chaz was demanding after how he treated blake earlier but i think damon and him are close, well in a dysfunctional way he respects damon more than he respects the others.

"but clearly it didn't go the way it was suppose to" chaz says looking at jax, he starts to chuckle from the sight of him on the floor.

i can tell chaz taking this as a joke is pissing damon off.

it's definitely setting me off as well, i almost got sexually assaulted by jax and who knows chaz was probably wanting to do the same thing to me. if damon didn't come in time, i don't even know what i would've done after.

damon quickly makes his way to chaz, grabbing his collar and pushing him against the wall, shoving the gun inside his mouth.

"you think this is all a joke to you? im in deep shit because of you," damon spits his words in chaz's face.

chaz waves his palm's flat towards damon trying to tell him to stop.

"is this a joke?" damon asks chaz shoving the metal rim down his throat more, making him gag

chaz continues to shake his head repeatedly saying no. damon grabs something from chaz's pocket and i see the keys in damon's hand.

"get out" damon tells me.

i freeze for a second before i oblige and walk out of the door.

i stand by the door and wait for him to come out, i don't want to leave any further without damon.

my feet are cold, im so cold.

damon comes out and locks the door, putting the keys in his pocket. "we're getting out of here" he says.

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