Chapter 46

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I watch him. I watch him get dragged out of the house like he's this monster that terrorized us but really, that's the total opposite. He did everything to save me, and to save the people around me, from Chaz and his cruel plan on hurting us to get to carter.

Aunt Silvana's nails are creeping down inside of my skin to get ahold of me from running after Damon. My cheeks are stained with wetness and the sobs are choking my throat with the harsh breathing that I can't take anymore.

The door slams shut once Damon and Chaz exit the house in handcuffs, guarded by two policemen.

"Let go of me," my voice cracks.

"Mia, you need to look at me," she let's go of my arms but quickly turns me to face her to cup both of my cheeks.

"No, I need to go to the police station to get Damon back, I have to go,"

She shakes her head and opens her mouth but no words seem to fall out for a brief moment but she finds them the last minute. "I didn't bring you here to ruin your life Mia. You are not capable of handling things like this, god, you aren't even capable of being near people like that, and...that's why you can't see him anymore, it's for the best,"

My mouth trembles open and I rapidly blink even faster to finally wake up from this horrid dream that I never wish to ever be true. But unfortunately it is. It's all true and it's happening right now.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not letting you do this to yourself, he isn't worth your time," she sharply remarks.

I move my face from her touch in disgust. The tears are attacking my eyes and forming a puddle just underneath. I'm flustered and so angry. I'm mostly angry at her talking about Damon like he didn't just save her damn life. He risked his life for us and this is what she says about him?

"You don't get it?" I barley sound audible and back away from her slowly.

"What? What don't I get Mia?"

I scoff but more out of vulnerability, "that..this is all Carter's fault, he did this," i dramatically wave my hands around the kitchen and to the bloody kitchen tile floors. "You are so clueless that you don't even pay attention on what he does for a living," I start to raise my voice.

"Excuse me? How is carter even involved in this when he's literally all the way in California?" she exclaims by raising her voice back at me.

"Exactly, that's what made this mess,"

"You couldn't be any ungrateful, he brought you here for a better life and you talk about him like that?"

"These days here were far from a better life Silvana, you have no clue what I went through because of his ignorant acts," I sob and my words come out shaking.

I can't talk about this right now, it hurts and I hate mentioning all this when Damon is at a jail cell and going to spend there for a night because of carter.

"What the hell are you talking about?" She walks closer to me.

"He moved to California because he...stole...cocaine from Chaz-"

"Chaz?" She gasps. "No, no, he—he wouldn't,"

"He didn't go there for a job, it was an escape plan to get away from Chaz. Chaz wanted to threaten and get to me but Damon found out and he told Chaz to stay away from me but that only led him to you. Damon told me everything, he was the one that defended us even though carter did him wrong also. Carter let me go through hostage the night I came here because he stole loads of money from Damon," I catch my breath.

"He what?! Oh my god," She wipes her face with her hands and rubs the corner of her eyes with her fingertips, in distress.

"So you have no right to talk to Damon like that after what he did for us," I walk away from her and vigorously wipe my tears.

I need to go put on proper clothes to get Damon out of that jail station. He's angry and when he's angry, he's different. I don't want him getting deeper into trouble any further when he's already at the top of the line to going to jail.

"Pick up, pick up, pick up," I mutter into my phone on the other line with Dias. She needs to pick up, I need a ride and I don't even have my own car.

I really have to get a job and move out so I can get my own place. I'm old enough to have my own responsibilities to take care of and I don't need my aunt to tell me what to do and who to see or not. I love Damon and I'm not giving up on him. I told him I'd never leave his side and I meant it. I don't know what I'd do without him, he's my hero.

"Mia? It's six in the morning," Dias says in a drowsy voice on the other line of my phone.

"Where are you? Can you please come pick me up, something bad happened and I really need to talk to you," I say too quickly that I forget some of the things I asked her. My mind is only on Damon and nothing else.

"Okay, okay, calm down. I'm at Williams right now but I'll be there in twenty,"

"Please just hurry,"

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