Chapter 51

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"We better get going until someone catches us," Dias pulls on my arm.

"Y-yeah," i say, eventually getting my grip back on moving my feet to face her.

"Okay, So you guys follow us and we will lead the way," William instructs

"Lead the way for what?" I ask, completely confused.

"To dump the car, we can't have any evidence from this, from Damon..yunno killing them," William says with his eyes bulging out of his face.

Dias nods staring blankly at the floor like she's considering on helping Damon.

We all turn to Williams car and look at Damon, who doesn't seem bothered once, just sitting in the drivers seat lighting up a cigarette.

My heart stings when I see his bloody hands and I look away once he catches us staring.

"Okay, we better leave now then," I tell them walking to Dias car.

Dias clicks her feet behind me with her heels, still both shook in fear from everything that just went down, especially Dias when she looks around us paranoid.

When we get into Dias, now wrecked car, Williams headlights flash on and ride in front of us. I push in the key and start the car, following wherever William and Damon are leading us.

"I'm so scared," Dias whimpers.

"I know, me too," i sniffle.

"I thought.." she begins and her mouth trembles, "I thought, he was gonna fucking.." she lets out a choking sob.

"Dias, they are gone, you'll never see them again, okay?" I tell her trying my best to hold in my own tears. "They'll never hurt you again, I promise everything will get better," I sooth her to make her calm down, or maybe calm myself down too.

She nods her head a couple of times, "yes, there gone, it's going to be okay," she tells herself and takes a deep breath in and out.

As William leads us deeper into a forest, I get the creeps. It's almost pitch black and the path is sided with only trees.

"And where the fuck are they taking us?" Dias grabs her purse and digs out a cigarette.

"I didn't know you smoked?"

"I didn't know carter did cocaine either but, yunno," she sarcastically reminds me with no humour inside her.

"We don't know for sure if he really does cocaine,"

She lights her cigarette up and lets out a chuckle, "he's still a fucking thief and a liar," her tone turns cold, "just like our father," she opens her window and sucks the tip of the stick, then casually blows out a puff of smoke out in the night's air.

"You're father is nothing like carter, yes, carter has done stupid things but no one, especially carter can ever be compared to your father, and you know that,"

"What if he turns out just like him? What about my mother, she doesn't need another..him," she says in disgust, referring her father.

"I know, and I hope he knows that whatever he's doing with his life has consequences,"

"Yeah," she blows out another thick air of smoke out of her open window, "He's so fucked in the head, that sometimes I think he'll never stop,"

"For his sake, I hope he does,"

Williams stops his car, and I also quickly stop my car behind his.

"We here? Already?" Dias says.

William gets out and waves his hand to let Damon move his car. As the car shifts out of the way. The view is flat with water.

Dias gets out of the car and drops her cigarette on the floor, crushing it on the bottom of her red heels.

William taps my window and I put it down to let him speak clearly, "You are going to drive to the edge of the water and we'll help push it in, is that clear?"

I nod, "Do you know if the water is deep enough?"

"Oh yeah, it's deep," he tells me like he knows for sure.

I turn the car's engine on and drive to the end of where the water starts.

I get out and find Damon out behind Dias's car with William.

"Can you guys hurry, I hate this place," Dias says, wiping her eyeliner that is smeared around her eyes.

"Damon, you push at that end and I'll push here," William tells Damon.

He nods and avoids my presence.

"You two wait in the car," William grunts when pushing Dias's car into the water.

Dias and I rush to Williams car and sit in the back not saying a word to each other. We're so zoned out, tired and after what just happened, we have nothing to really say.

When Damon and William are done pushing the car into the water, they get inside and don't say a word either.

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