Chapter 32

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As the day was spent in the house with Dias and aunt Sil, the laughing and long chats with each other dissolved into soft snores.

I open my eyes from a smack on my face from Dias. She grumbles in her sleep then casually shifts her body the other way. I sit up from the couch and glare at her, annoyed that she woke me up. I rub my eyes and glance at the big clock above the fire place. "It's almost midnight?" I whisper to myself.

It felt like a really long day. Dias wanted to go out and party but I convinced her to stay with her mother for tonight because of carter leaving. Aunt Sil was crying too much which I couldn't blame her for. She understood that he's grown but her son is officially moving states away from her and that can be overwhelming. And the fact that Dias was going to leave her mother crying, for a party wasn't the best plan. I brought up the fact that I went to the bonfire and fight night to pledge her on staying. After all aunt Sil was very pleased for us keeping her company and she told us how sweet of us it was for us spending the night with her. She deserves the best, for everything she's done for me. Keeping another pre adult in her home can be risky at times and I'm so thankful for her to be okay with it.

When I make my way up the stairs which seemed like forever. I open my door and find the light switch. When the light flickers on I feel a huge hand cover my mouth. I can smell the metal shring of blood on the hand and start to shake from fear.

"Don't scream," I hear Damons deep whisper that tings into my ear.

The relief floods my expression that it's only Damon.

He lets go of my mouth slowly and I turn to see him. My mouth falls open and I gasp from the deep cut on the side of his forehead and on his bottom lip.

"What happened to you?" I ask worried. I put my hand on his face  to and move his face to reveal the cuts but he slightly inches away from my touch from looking to the side.

His face is emotionless with his lips into a hard straight line.

"It's nothing," he mumbles.

I hope he didn't get himself in trouble. What if..he did something bad to Blake? That can't be true. He wouldn't. Would he?

"It doesn't seem like it," I snap at him.

"Why do you alway have to come in my business?" He raises his voice tilting his bruised beautiful face into mine. I shudder from his sudden tone but put myself back together by glaring at him.

"Maybe because I care about you?" I raise my voice back at him. At this point I don't care who wakes up. He doesn't have the right to talk to me this way.

"You care?" He scoffs like it's a joke. "Why the fuck would you care about me, huh? No one cares about me," he spits.

Even though I look terrified I know damn well what he's trying to do. He's trying to pick a fight with me for whatever reason. Because, he isn't use to the fact that he knows I care about him. He is trying to put anything between us so he makes him not want to grow deeper with our relationship just because he thinks it'll end up like his parents, his brother and...well, Blake. They all end up leaving or cut him over. But he needs to know that I would never want to ever do that to him. I know better than leaving him after what we've been through. I care about him so much, why can't he see that?

"I care about you Damon. That's one of the reasons why I didn't let you leave and get into trouble with Blake, Because I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I deeply care about you and I see you angry or hurt, can't you see that? I step closer to him.

He pauses and tightens his jaw peeling his eyes off of me. "So what? I don't give a fuck, I don't care about you,"

His words prick at the pit of my stomach. I'm on the urge of breaking down into tiny pieces from how wobbly I am from standing next to him. I can feel the lump in my throat clog my swallows and the tears rise out of me. Don't cry I keep telling myself but fail miserably.

"You just want to pick a fight out of me," I let my salty tears fall down my cheeks to my pouting lips.

He doesn't say anything but looks at the ground explaining his answer.

"Why? Why did you come here? To say hurtful things to me?" I say wiping my tears.

"No....I wanted to see you," he looks up at me, pouring his eyes into mine.

His mood swings are giving me whiplash.

"When I'm with you, it's too good to be true that it comes to the point where I feel'll not last, that's why I pick stupid fucking fights with you to..I don't know..get you off my mind every second,"

I walk towards him slowly and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Nothing could ever come in the way of how I feel about you Damon, I will always be here for you through thick and thin," I look up at him.

It breaks my heart that he doesn't like the idea of thinking about me. Like I'm some kind of poisonous drug to him. I think about him all the time and don't make it as a threat. But I understand where he's coming from. Every time he would open up to someone or was close to someone, it always ended up a bad luck for him. And I'm going to make a promise that I'll never, never ever leave his side.

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