Chapter 53

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"Damon," I mostly whisper, clicking the tip of my heels on the wooden floor.

I feel like I should just go back home, considering he was mad at me the last time I saw him which was yesterday. Why is he always so angry? it makes me angry. The way he reflects on my moods worries the hell out of me that i somewhat think being around him will effect my mood swings close to his.

When I search around the place. I find the basement door where I haven't looked yet. When I walk down the stairs, the clump in my throat regains and the butterflies attack the pit of my stomach, jumping to one end to the other making my skin and body tingle tightly when I see Damon.

He only has long black shorts on that show the band of his boxers underneath at his waistline. His back is facing me and his skin is glistening in sweat with the muscles craved into creases moving with every motioned punch he gives the heavy bag with each of his bandaged fists with deep grunts leaving his mouth while he punches and connects his fist to the heavy bag, one by one so hard that I wonder how the heavy bag is still managing to hang up at this point.

When I walk further down the stairs, he finally hears the clicking of my heels coming down and closer to him which makes him turn to face me, with warm breathing of pants escaping his mouth.

I stand there in front of him but far enough from the set that is matted out for him to box. I chew on the bottom of my lip, not knowing what to say or to use the right words.

He stares right back at me with a serious look on his face which even intimidates me even more.

Damon grabs the water bottle on the floor and chugs it while keeping his eyes on me. Raking his piercing grey eyes up and down my body. I swear he's doing this on purpose.

He finished the whole bottle of water and swipes his tongue across his wet pink lips then tosses the empty plastic water bottle nearly so close to my feet.

"I just wanted to stop by and say thank you," I tell Damon while watching him grab a white towel connecting it to his face then to his sweaty chest.


"Because you-the whole thing that happened yesterday night. Something really bad would've happened if you didn't come,"

He frowns and nods staring at the ground.

"D-did you know them?"

"Yeah," he shrugs his brood and bare shoulders with his lips pressed into a hard line. "They were a bunch of assholes that pissed on other people's lives. They deserved what happened to them,"

I gulp and change the subject to break the tension. "They know Chaz," I tell Damon, "I think he was going to take Dias and I to him,"

"Nah, Chaz is in jail,"

"No, they said they were going to take us to Chaz,"

"You sure?"

"I'm positive,"

"Fuck, I fucking knew it," Damon shouts running his hands on his face. I notice the white bandage around his fist for his boxing and cringe when I think of his bloody and busted knuckles.

"What? Knew what?" I ask stepping closer to him.

"Someone bailed him out," he says weakly and sounding exhausted.

Chaz is filthy rich if he can get himself out of trouble just from a blink of an eye. I mean, after everything, i mean, everything, he's done, he still had the money to get himself out. I've been to his place and the gut feeling I'm getting is telling me that Chaz gets this much money from non illegal things people shouldn't be doing in the first place.

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