Chapter 37

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Damon parks his car on the side of the road of my aunts home, dropping me off from our morning breakfast date.

"Thank you for the breakfast," I smile at him.

He nods and smiles back at me.

"Oh, I almost forgot," Damon says looking towards me.

"What is it?"

"I don't have you're number," he says pulling out his phone.

I giggle of the thought of me totally forgetting about that, and type down my phone number onto Damon's phone.

"Done," i say Once I hand the phone back to him he exchanges a smile and I can't help but want to kiss him.

I want to kiss him so badly but something randomly isn't letting me physically come to it. I don't want to be awkward with him but my body won't let me react.

I unbuckle my seatbelt and pull the car door open but don't make my way out fully when I hear Damon say "no kiss?"

I turn around to look at him relived as ever and nearly jump out of my seat to his, ending up connecting my lips with each other.

I gently hold each side of his face and press harder onto his lustful kiss. He parts my lips with his tongue and glides it around mine
until I taste a tad bit of mint. Like the way he smells, when that day he let me borrow his sweatshirt, it smelled like fresh mint and cologne.

My eyes are closing from feeling the passionate spark hitting through my body.

When people would say they would feel sparks when they would kiss the right person, it's true, I do feel the massive sparks in the pit of my stomach shooting to the bottom of my toes. It feels like everything around you vanishes and meanwhile it's just you and the person you cherish you're heart out for. It's only about you two in that exact moment.

"I better go," I pull away from his kiss.

I will get too carried away if Damon keeps kissing me like this.

"Just a little more," he mutters inches away from my face, staring at my parted and swollen lips that he leans in by clashing his lips with mine but holds my face this time, before I can even respond to him.

I don't want to stop but we'll literally not get out eventually if we keep doing this. I won't be able to stop myself.

"Damon," I whine and put my face up so I can remove my lips with his but it doesn't help, instead he just starts sucking and kissing my neck.

I try to push him away wth my hands to his chest but barely even try because a part of me doesn't want him to stop.

"One more," he deeply whispers and swiftly plants the most addicting kiss yet onto my lips.

My eyelashes flutter and my cheeks turn a bright pink from how much I'm blushing.

He tells people he doesn't date but he doesn't know how good he is so far at it.

"I'll call you," he promises while I get out of the car, and sling my purse around my shoulder.

"Okay," My voice sounds even tinier then ever. Explains a lot when I'm blushing.

Damon drives off leaving a loud engine screech, like the ones in those race car movies I tell myself.

I walk to the house and jab my key into it, twisting and turning once it finally opens.

I hear muffled voices and lead myself closer to it which wounds up to be in the kitchen.

Once the muffled sounds go into clear chit chats, I spot Dias and I think her friend too? She's very pretty and has deep brown skin.

"Hi," I introduce myself making them both turn their heads at me.

"Mia!" Dias literally squeals, and I think it's out of nervousness. Why is she nervous?

"Hey," the other girl responds with a bored look on her face.

It gets quiet, too quiet and we all end up just staring in opposite directions.

"Bianca, this is Mia. Mia, this is Bianca," Dias finally says using her hands as gestures.

"it's nice to meet you," I smile.

"Yeah, you too," she smiles but it turns out to be totally fake. I know how a fake smile looks. Does she have a problem with me?

"Well, I'm going upstairs," I try my best to be polite.

"No, wait Mia, there's this party-"

"Dias, I'm not going to a party," I softly say.

"But it's the weekend, and everyone is going, I mean everyone," she dramatically recalls.

Is she referring to Damon? Damon would've told me that he would be going, and if he isn't going I don't see why I should go either.

I glance at Bianca but she doesn't seem even the slightest interest in mine and Dias conversation when she taps her black chipped nails on her phone as in she's texting someone.

I sigh, "Can we talk later? It's only 11 in the morning the last think I want to talk about is a party,"

"Okay, fine but I'm making you come either way," she starts to shout when I walk away from her.

"We will see about that," i joke and shout back at her.

When I start my way upstairs, I stop just from a couple of steps on reaching all the way to the top when I hear the most disgusting and familiar voice that my chest heavyweights, and at last I see that man, the man that I've never thought I'd see again and hoped I'd never see again. He's laughing and smiling? Why is he here? who is he laughing and smiling with? My heart quickens when I glance at the other direction and find aunt Silvana...with Chaz?

"Oh Mia, I want to introduce you to Chaz," she says with a huge smile whipped onto her face.

I gulp and can't comprehend my breathing nor know how to let out any words. I just look at him, with his cheap dress shirt on and the most wicked smirk on his face. Oh no.

"Nice to meet you, um..Mia, is it?" He shakes my hand not taking that damn smirk off his face. He thinks he can act all coy?

"Yes," is all I say and half smile for my aunts sake.

When I look at her she isn't even the slightest aware of my terrified behaviour, she latches onto Chaz arm and says, "I'll see you later,"

I cringe when they attach their lips together and look away.

Chaz passes by me to walk down the stairs but stops in his tracks, "oh, Silvana..give carter my best wishes...for his new job," his face twist into the most sinister smile.

"Aww of course I will," she giggles a little and blows him a kiss and he pretends to catch it and by putting it into his pocket, then makes his way slowly downstairs.

What the hell just happened?

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