Chapter 23

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Damon's P.O.V

Why the fuck is he even here, sitting with Mia. He has every fucking nerve in his body to fucking get close to her after I told him to stay away from her. He did get mad and fuck me over. I couldn't let him talk to her and bring her back into deep shit again. But here I am, which I clearly ant stay away from her myself.

Blake's a snake though and I'm glad I fucked up his face when he moved back with Chaz and snitched on me about that guy I had to owe money to, they broke into my motel and took all the money I had from carter which was twice the amount of money I had to owe that guy. Now I'm here, left with nothing. I cant even fucking pay my own rent at times.

I'm debating on breaking his jaw right here in front of everyone, but I don't want Mia to get upset with me. I feel even more charismatic now since I'm really high. I went to smoke some weed with that girl, I forgot her name but she was so fucking annoying I had to finish only some of my joint to get away from her, yet I leave for only a couple of minutes finding Blake sitting with fucking Mia. Great.

My dumbass should've just sat with her and stayed with her. Even if it came to the point where we were arguing or some shit, the important thing is that she would've been with me and not fucking Blake, like right now. Fuck. Thats the thing, when I'm around her I don't know how to act because I try not to do something stupid. And when I am with her she irritates me from her asking me personal questions. Telling her will just make me drawn to her even more, but I know I don't deserve her, she's too perfect for me. I hate the fucking feelings I feel towards her, its this unlike feeling I get that I've never felt before, it's different and that shit fucks with my head. I can't control myself around her. Sometimes I feel like I need to get away from her but it doesn't fucking help, I just want her more and more every minute. Even as much as I push her away by starting an argument or do anything like fucking insult her. We just always end up back to each other.

When I stop in front of both of them Mia's eyes trail up to my face slowly.

"We're leaving," I tell her.

"We just got here?" She says confused. She doesn't fail to test me. I look at Blake questioning why he's still sitting here like a fucking asswipe. He doesn't look back but just drinks out of his cup, what a fucking pussy.

"It's getting late," i say, preying that'll convince her to come with me but her face expression turns into worry and I can tell she understands what's going on.

Her sitting here watching Blake and i isn't getting no where, I need to get her away from Blake, I need to get myself away from him, so I don't fuck him up, for Mia's sake.

I take Mia's arm but Blake latches my grip off of her, testing my own anger. Fucking prick is asking for it. "You don't have to go with him," Blake adds only making my anger worse towards him. Who the fuck does he think he is?

"You stay the fuck out of this," I warn him. If he doesn't stay back I don't even know what I'll do to him. The vexed feeling is boiling in my adrenaline and all I am thinking of is all the possible ways on beating the living shit out of him.

"Damon," Mia touches my arm with her tiny hand. My shoulder relaxes from her voice and touch but I don't rip my eyes off of Blake.

"It was really nice seeing you Blake but we should go," Mia chimes in slowly pulling me away from him.

"You shouldn't go with him, it isn't safe," I hear Blake tell Mia. My pulse quickens and jaw tightens that my teeth grid on one another. The pessimistic feeling drives crazy in me and I can feel the horns tearing out of my skin from not grabbing and punching every bit of his face.

But next thing I know my fist connects to Blake's jaw and I'm toppled over him, spilling his drink onto the field next to him. I continue to punch his face until all I see is blood.

William grabs a hold of my sweater but I keep getting back to Blake to punch him repeatedly.

My hands feel numb at this point that I cant feel it anymore. Blood is dripping down my knuckles and some end up on my sweater.

William seizes onto my arms and pulls me back again but this time succeeding.

I find Ronny and Sam getting Blake back up. "Fuck you landers," Blake slurs at me.

William pulls me back again and turns me the other way so he can stand in fornt of me, to block Blake's view from me.

I look around noticing that I can't find Mia anywhere. I fucking panic and ask William "where the fuck is Mia?" I shove at him to give me the answer quickly.

"Woah woah woah, calm down man, she's with Dias. There at the parking lot. We can go now," he puts his hands in front of him.

I push my hair back from my forehead and let out a breathe, relieved she hasn't left yet.

When William and I walk to the parking lot, I spot Mia, she is walking with Dias to her car. Mia's face is not seen because her back is facing me. I jog up to her and pull her arm turning her to face me. Her eyes are bloodshot and cheeks are wet with tears coming down her eyes.

"Damon, I need to go." She chokes

Fuck. I hate seeing her this way.

"Can we talk first?" I try to hold in my apprehension from her quick answer on leaving.

"I don't have time for this," she tries to turn away from me but I pull her back.

"Please, Mia."

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