Chapter 72

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I wanted to try something new with you guys, and so i added a song to go with this chapter for Damon's P OV. Comment if i should add songs to chapters more.



Damon's P.O.V

It's been a hard fucking month without her. She didnt leave me nor did i lose her, its just things are different. I cant show her the desire that she possesses from me or tell her that I love her which I still do. This thing going on between us is nothing like love but it's more like "friendship". I hate to call her a fucking friend. She's more than that to me and I cant pretend she's not.

I did check up on her a couple of times and she let's me so. We talk, send morning text and call each other at night but nothing more. I need more. The last time I tried getting it on with her she made me stay away from her another fucking week. Not doing that again, fuck no. It must be hard for her as well but this is what she wanted and exclaimed that she "needed" that we both "needed". Sure, this space shit is making me learn a valuable lesson on alot actually, but it isn't helping me mentally nor emotionally, expecially my anger. It's been building up even more, I need to do something about it.

I punched a hole into my wall and broke one of the leg of my chair. It looks fucking weird still sitting in my room, I need to throw that shit out and fix that fucking wall before Mia sees it. Not like she's ever going to in awhile, but if I don't do it now I might not do it later and probably just let the crooked chair mold into my floor and build another exit with the huge hole into my wall. My life is miserable at the moment. I've been going to the gym more than I should because of my anger I put it all on my punching bag. I'm angry and alone without her like this.

I still don't know what to fucking do with the money. I'm such a fucking hypocrit. Carter stole fucking money from me and I acted like a bitch about it but as soon as I steal money I feel fucking good? What the fuck is wrong with me?

I drift off to sleep....

"Damon, come here," Her voice echos into the deep woods, the trees lead a path on both sides making me go after her in one direction. Her small giggles fill up the foggy air and bounce on every branch of trees. And finally I see her in a long silky white dress with her hair wet and slicked back, she's a fucking goddess. When I try to come closer to her, her bare feet step back and crush the leafs and sticks underneath her feet. A wind swooshes and I perhaps wonder if she's cold, she obviously is. I take my black coat off and try to hand it to her and she frowns. Did I do something? I try to get closer but something is not letting me get to her, every forward step I take she's another step further than me, like she's impossible to reach, it's getting me frustrated. Her foot is bleeding now and she's shivering cold turning into ice. "Let me help you," the words fall out of my mouth. "I don't need your help, I don't need you!"

I wake up soaking in sweat, breathing heavily.

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