Chapter 11

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Damon's gentle tap on my back wakes me up but I don't bother opening my eyes.

"Get up, we got to do something today" Damon tells me, sitting on the end of the bed, his back is to me, he's putting his boots on.

"We're doing something today?" I open my eyes and get up placing my back on the back board of the bed, pulling the white sheets with me.

"I'll explain when we get there" he says. He finishes tying his laces then gets up facing me. "today!" he says both raising his brows and voice.

I roll my eyes in anger, taking the covers off my legs and go to the bathroom.

He's such an asshole sometimes and for some stupid reason it makes me insecure? Hurt? Scared of him? I know I shouldn't let it get to me but no matter how hard I try, I care what he thinks for some reason.

When I step into the bathroom I find Blake shirtless shaving his beard. He looks at me in the mirror and smiles.

"Oh sorry" i turn around but he says really quickly "no, no, no".  I turn around back looking towards him and i giggle when the smeared shaving cream is all over half of his face. He knows why I'm laughing and he starts chuckling with me. Blake just stares at me for awhile then turns and continues to shave his beard while looking at me in the mirror, telling me "becca dropped off some clothes. Did you pick any dresses?"

I give him a confused look then he lets out a breath but comes out more of a laugh "didn't Damon tell you? About the auction?".

" he didn't, he just told me to go get ready because he's taking me somewhere, i think?" I explain to Blake.

"Ah yeah..right, that too. It's a big day" Blake says on his last strand of hair on his face. "You can get ready now. There's some clothes in there" Blake points with his now hairless chin. He looks so much younger without his beard.

I nod and smile. He smiles and is about to leave but says "Mia?" making me turn back around to him. "yeah?" I tell him. "I know you barely know me, but I'm here if you need anything, okay?" He says nervously.

I look at him relaxing my face into a smile. "Thank you Blake, really, i mean it" the warm smile stays on my face. The end of his lips lift into a big smile. And this time he leaves shutting the door himself.

I look at the old brown suitcase on the floor next to me. It took me awhile to find the small broken zipper but luckily i opened it. Most of the clothes look tacky but I find some nice things, like the black heels and long red dress that were very pretty. When I find a pair of dirty white sneakers I literally squeal in relief. I also find black leggings and decide to wear it today. All the shirts were short or either tight so I decided the best shirt would be the long sleeve black cropped one.

Once my shoes and outfit is on, I look at my long wavy hair in the mirror and glide my fingers in it to make it look less messy.

I feel like I'm finished and when I finally agree, I open the bathroom door. Damon isn't in the room but Blake is. He's on his phone and looks up at me widening his eyes but coughs to recover his reaction.

"Damon's outside" Blake says. I can tell he's checking me out but I refuse to say anything because if I do, I'll say something mean. Blake seems like a nice guy and he's the only person I can kind of trust right now, I don't want to get on his bad side. Not if I'm in a position like this.

Blake adds "He said to tell you to meet him out." I nod letting him know I'll do just that. I wave bye to Blake and he waves back to me.

I open the door and the sun hits me because of my dark colour outfit but I get a cool breeze to my bellybutton which is peaking out from the crop top I'm wearing.

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