Chapter 47

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"He what!?" Dias yells in the car next to me after I tell her everything, everything about carter moving, to him stealing cocaine from Chaz who was using her mother to get to carter.

"I-I can't believe he did this, that fucking-ugh," Dias stops at a red light and hits her palms repeatedly against the steering wheel in frustration, "I knew it, I knew all along he was up to something. It was just that...this time seemed different and I actually had hope for him," she starts to sobs into thick tears.

"Let me drive, okay?" I softly say putting my hands on her shoulder to calm her down.

She sniffles and nods.

Once we quickly switch seats Dias leans her head against her window side and doesn't speak the whole drive.

I feel for her. And I hate to see someone like Dias so upset. She had faith in carter and he broke it. He left his family in complete danger because of everything he's done, that's on his hands now.

"We're here," I turn the engine off, parking in front of a police building.

When she doesn't say a word back to me, I look over to see her closely and notice she's fallen asleep with chunks of hair stuck to her wet cheeks.

I get out and lock the car doors until getting inside the station.

I spot a policeman sitting in front of a desk and hurry to ask for Damon.

"Who are you to him?" The policeman asks me in his husky voice.

"I'm his girlfriend,"

The old man looks at me quizzically, as if he doesn't believe it, "just make a left turn at the corner," he exclaims.

I smile politely and make my way down the short hall where two paths lead. It smells like straight up medicine in here and it's freezing cold which explains all of the metal steel walls that overlap the building. I couldn't spend even an hour in here. I shiver from the thought and stop at the ending of the hall where I take the left turn.

When I spot Damon slumped sitting on the bench with his hands in front of him on his lap, still wrapped with a handcuff, behind the cold metal chipped bars, my heart sinks, "oh my god," I cry and run up to him, he also gets up once he hears my voice. I slip both of my hands in between the spaces of the bars and hold each side of his face, he collides his lips with mine, planting the most unforgettable taste of his lips on my lips, until a police man pulls me back from him.

"You cannot step closer than five feet," he lets go of my grasp.

Damon's jaw tenses at the man, bulging his fist tightly.

"Damon, I'm going to get you out," I say getting his full attention to me.

"You can't," he sits back down.

"What do you mean? I'm bailing you out if I have to,"

"No. That's too much,"

"Damon. You got into this because of me," I fluster almost into a crying tone.

"Don't you say that," he points his index finger at me with his wrist still tightly combined from the handcuffs.


"No," He cuts me off, "This was all my fault. So you turn around and leave,"

"I'm not leaving Damon, how many times do I have to tell you,"

"You don't need to tell me anymore because...this is the last time I'm seeing you,"

"No, no, no," I say too quickly, "don't do this, please," my voice is losing its balance and I'm on the edge of bawling my eyes out right in front of him.

"I caused nothing but pain for you and your family, I shouldn't have ever took you or done the things I've done to you, and I'm so sorry," he explains putting full sympathy into every word.

I can't help but let the massive tears take over me, "I love you Damon," i sob, knowing this will somehow change his mind but it only makes Damon crush me even more when he avoids my eye contact and doesn't say anything back. I know he's not saying it to only make it easier for him to slip away from me because he thinks that this is "his fault," when really, carter is the one to blame. It's true. And I know it sounds harsh but, Damon shouldn't be blamed for this.

"Damon?" I have a feeling he didn't hear me from my voice.

"You need to leave," Damon turns his head to the women cop just behind me, "Can you lead her the way out," he tells her. She nods and presses her lips into a straight wide line to reassure before grabbing onto my arm and leads me out and away from Damon.

My heart rips open into two and the pain remains in my chest. My mouth falls open, trembling that I can taste my salty tears dripping down my face nonstop.

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