Chapter 70

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Mia's P.O.V

"Uh...m" he responds with which finishes my thoughts. He knew all along?! I just want to slap him or hit him and scream at him but I cant. I can't react at all. Instead I get off the bed and grab something to cover myself up with. I feel mistreated and ashamed. How could he? All I feel is the water rushing up my eyes.

I find Damon's sweater the nearest to me which is sprawled just beneath his bed. And when I instantly grab it, the strap of Damon's bag is pulled with it. It's so heavy. When I quickly put the sweater over my head, I find something odd about the bag. It has dry blood stained onto the strap which leaves me wondering and guessing.

I pull the bag out and half of it is already unzipped. My eyes get caught with the white shirt bunched on top of inside the bag and when I pull it out I spot red dried blood stained on the far bottom of the shirt where my hand is so close to it. I quickly drop the blood covered shirt in disgust. And when it drops onto the bag, I see green thin papers peeking out and instantly know what it is.

When i look at damon hes sitting up now and doesnt even seemed shocked from that stupid emotinless expession built onto his face. But when i trail down to his stomach I spot a scabby cut that matches the shirt. My heart is rapidly pumping and my head is spinning because I instantly know all his.

"What is this? What did you do!?" I yell.

"I was going to tell you," he says coming closer to me but I back away.

"Like when you were going to tell me you forgot to put on a condom?"

I'm so furious at him. But I look completely hopeless when tears fall down my cheek. He wipes his face with his large hand and brushes back his hair in distress.

"You can't blame that all on me! You also forgot!" He gets off the bed and pushes pass me to grab long shorts on to wear and he slips it on casually from behind me.

I stand there, not facing him and wipe the wetness plugging in my eyes. He's such a jerk for even yelling at me. I hate him right now, I literally want to scream in his face so he finally understands how I feel.

"I hate you, I hate you so much! I wish I never met you!" I turn around and find his back facing me this time. I ball my fist in complete anger. I didn't mean the last part but I'm too angry to even begin with.

Damon turns around slowly and looks me up and down. When he starts to walk closer to me my heart skips a beat. His lips are pressed into into a straight line and his eyes are too focused onto me, and I actually am scared.

"You...hate me?" He scoffs and flares his nostrils. His face seems much closer to me this time since I can feel his heavy breathing. "No one can ever love you the way I do, and you know it," he tenses his jaw and walks off leaving me in the room all by myself. When he slams the door shut, I feel terrible. Why am I even here? So much is going on and I can't even comprehend a second of it. Damon stealing loads of money and probably killed people for it, I only think that because of how much blood I've seen already. He could've gotten awfully hurt. I'd be broken if he was injured.

I sit myself on the bed to think for awhile.

Damon's P.O.V

It always seems like I fuck up everything even though I don't mean to. I always thought money brings happiness in lives but little did i know Mia is my happiness. I keep digging this giant hole and it keeps getting deeper with problems because of me.

I splash cold water onto my face several times. What do I do? She's pissed off, usually she acts way different and more emotional but she's taking my act of anger this time. And that's why I don't know what to fucking do.

Leaving that room was a good thing because if she's angry I'd probably be even more angrier than her and I can't reveal that to her, I need to be calm in situations like this. Calm.

I hate you! I hate you so much! I wish I never met you!

My fist connects with the bathroom mirror and I break it in the center. Peices of the glass shatter and some fall into the sink. My knuckles start to prick with blood and I manage to take out some of the peices out of my knuckles. I'm such a fucking mess. Calm? As if I can be calm. I never had a role model to teach me so.

"Hey, who's in there?" I hear Randy knocking on the door.

"What?" I swing the door open.

"It's almost two in the morning, what are you doing up?" he looks at the shattered mirror. "What the fuck?" He whispers. "You wanna talk about it?"

"No," I push pass him to the kitchen.

"Is this about chaz?" He follows from behind me.

"No. Fuck him," Do I really mean that? maybe a little.

I open the fridge and grab the jug of milk and chug it down my throat.

Randy chuckles a little and sits down on the chair. "He was a pain in the ass, but he gave us shelter yunno, he gave us a place to live," Randy tells me and nods to himself.

He has no idea what the fuck he's talking about. He's already pissing me off and I need him to get the fuck out of my face before I break it.

"Like a home," he finishes which brings me to my breaking point.

"A home? A fucking home?" I throw the jug of milk at the wall and the milk spills out. Randy quickly gets up and defends himself with his hands.

"Get the fuck out my fucking face," I say with my last breath of air.

Randy walks off and leaves the room. It's dark, cold, and...lonely.

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