Chapter 25

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Damon's P.O.V

Images of Blake and Mia slither through my mind and it gets me off my last bit of nerves. The thought of him treating her better than me makes me feel so fucking worthless in a guilty way.

"Damon?" I hear Mia call me with her beautiful voice snapping me out of my trans.

She must've said something. I notice I'm gripping onto the steering wheel tight, too tight. I quickly let go and look at her. She just stares at me with concern in her eyes then glances at my bloody knuckles.

The thoughts of Blake and her are getting to me faster than I thought. Fuck, I'm losing my mind when it comes to her.

"What did Blake do to you?" She asks me. When is she not asking me a question? Doesn't matter because I'm going to answer them anyway.

"He got mad once I threatened—told him to stay away from you, so he snaked on me and told this guy that I had to owe money to and gave him my information to where I'm staying at. They took all the money that carter gave me and trashed the shit out of my motel. I was going to fucking owe that guy once I got Carter's money but it was too late and I didn't think I was going to see him again," I try my best to explain while she listens to every detail I tell her.

A hurt expression is plastered on her face. "That's awful, i didn't think he would do something like that,"

she doesn't know anything about Blake, Blake has been acting different lately. He's been hanging out with Chaz now and that's probably why. I have been friends with Chaz, I know what he's is capable of.

"It's not safe staying alone, Damon. Especially the fact that they know where you are and that you hurt Blake. I have a feeling he'll do something or tell someone,"

"Don't worry about it," I tell her

"Damon, seriously,"

"I cant just leave Mia, I have no money,"

She looks at me for a minute like she wants to tell me something but refuses and turns her head the other way.

I hear tapping on the window and find William. I put down the window halfway for him to speak.

"Dias said she can drop you off home now," William says to Mia.

"Damon can you take me home?" she surprises me by asking.

"Yeah I'll take you," i respond hiding my excitement.

"Okay yeah, oh um and Dias is coming over today with me and she told me that her mom will be back early tomorrow morning," William says before leaving.

I put the window back up and drive out of the parking lot.

"Why did you...tell Blake to stay away from me?" She asks me.

"The same reason I texted carter to pick you up, shit was getting serious and worse for you, I didn't like the thought of him bringing you back into all that mess again," I tell her the half truth. The other half was because I was worried what she was doing to me, she was making me grow feelings or something towards her and at the time I wasn't sure about it, I don't do things like, date or romantic shit. But she's really giving me second thoughts about that. What am I saying? I still think I'm not sure about all that because I'm not good enough for her.

"That's all?" She reads my expression. Or is she reading my fucking mind.

"Yeah," I fidget with my fingers that are on the steering wheel.

I can tell she's smiling but she looks away when I look at her.

"Damon, I don't want you starting fights just because you can, it isn't right, but I'm only saying this because I care about you," she quickly tumbles out each word.

"Yeah, I know. I was just so fucking pissed seeing him...there with you,"

It feels good talking to her and being honest with her than I thought it would be.

She beams at my knuckles again with a fret expression across her face. "Your knuckles won't heal if you keep punching people,"

She's so cute when she's worrying about me, and it makes me feel good knowing someone really does care. I smile at her and put my hand onto her thigh. I'm surprised she doesn't take it off.

The drive felt like a good thirty minutes. Wish it took longer so I could sit here rubbing her thigh, not even that. Just having her around is all I could ask for.

"This is me," she points at a huge glass house.

I park by it but she doesn't move to get out.

"Would you like to come in? I can clean the blood off of you," she says.

"It's fine, Mia," it's not and I want to go with her.

"You were driving all night and you drove me home, I owe it to you," she convinces me.

I nod at her and get out of the car. She leads me to the house and opens the large door.

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