Chapter 85

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Damon's POV

"Another one," I slur from my drunken state, sliding the tiny glass cup towards him.

"You already had seven shots. Go home," he tells me.

"Hooome.." I say to myself.

"Sir, I think it's best if you leave," he says once again which is pissing me the fuck off.

"I'm not leaving until you get me another fill...sir," I say slowly.

"Don't make me call the police,"

Pussy. I'd rather want him to come at me or something. I need to feed my anger on someone and him would be the best person at the moment.

"I want my fucking drink!" I yell at him.

He walks away from me which really ticks me off, "Hey! Where the hell are you going?"

The only thing that keeps popping in my head is Mia. Does she not love me? Why won't see come with me? Why the fuck was Braden there? She's probably realizing I'm not good enough for her and is gonna leave me for that preppy motherfucker. I really need another fucking drink.

I hop over the counter and grab a bottle of vodka, hadn't had those in awhile.

When I get over the counter I feel dizzy, so I rub my eyes and face a couple of times to clear my vision. The moment I get out of the bar, I can hear noises, a familiar noise. I start to comprehend the sound and it clicks on me. It's the cop siren. I can tell it's still a bit far from me but it's only getting closer and closer.

I start to jog to the nearest dumpster and hide behind it. I open the bottle and chug almost half of it down my throat like a motherfucker. I have a throat burn by now and can feel it swollen up. I smash the rest of the bottle on the floor and watch the glass shatter and vodka dissolve into the cement.

"Hey! Who's behind there?" A police man yells out.


I start to run as fast as I can but Its a bit fucking hard when you have alcohol in your system.

"Stop, right now!" I think I hear the cop behind me.

I make a quick turn into a back alley with a bunch of bushes to hide in them. I watch the police officer through the leafs of the bushes. He holds his gun out and looks around for me. He eventually gives up and leaves the back alley. I take off my grey sweater from prison which is full of sweat by now and leave the white muscle tank top on, its a bit dirty and cold out but I'll be fine.

I run and make my way to the only place I could think of right now.


It took me awhile to climb up her window, I fell a couple of times leaving the neighbours staring me down the whole fucking night.

I tap on her window again with my knuckles.

When I see her through the window, she looks at me concerned at first and hurries to let me inside.

"Damon, you're covered in dust," She says wiping the chest part of my shirt.

I just want to fucking kiss her right now.

"Can I stay here for the night?" I ask.

"What kind of question is that? Of course you can," she tells me with her tiny hand caressing my cheek.

She comes back bringing me a glass of water and sits next to me on her bed.

I chug the glass down and hand the glass back to her. She hold the cup and looks at me for awhile but I don't budge to look at her back. I know what she's thinking and I hate it when she does.

I have a panic attack when I hear her whimpers and look straight at her. Her eyes are filled with water and her lips begin to pout.

"So are you going to tell me what you did?" Her voice is barely audible.

She knows me more than I even fucking know myself.

"Im sorry-"

"No! You don't get to say that anymore! Because if you really meant it the first time you wouldn't have had to say it again!" She gets up and stands in front of me while I sit down and listen to her yell at me in her small voice.

"If you are constantly getting into trouble, what are we going to do about the baby? I'm scared," she starts to breakdown in tears. I get up off the bed and hug her but she only tries to shove me away and punch at my chest. I don't stop holding her tight because I don't want to let go of her. Never. After a few seconds of shoving, she melts into my hug and obliges by putting her head against my chest.

I need to understand that I'm going to be a father now and I need to deal with my shit. I need to be a better me for Mia and my child. I can't let some stupid argument get to me all the fucking time.

Grow up Damon. Grow the fuck up.

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