Chapter 84

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Mia's POV

"Mia, hunny?" Aunt Sil says across the dinner table bringing me back to reality. I almost forgot I was surrounded by each face i look at because of my thoughts on Damon and the last time I saw him. What the hell was wrong with me? I didn't even let him speak or be understanding, instead I lashed out on him like a total...bitch. Just to make myself feel better and drain all this guilt in me, I'll just have to blame the pregnancy mood swings. I really want to just go and see him and tell him i didn't mean to be so harsh and that I love him. Thanks Giving isn't much without him with me, but I'm grateful to have everyone here at the dinner, really.

"Would you like to share something with the family..." Aunt sil tells me "and friend. But we consider you as family for sure," she finishes off by smiling at Brandon who is sitting right next to me who smiles brightly back at her. Aunt Sil has this..soft spot for him and for some reason she really likes him. I don't blame her though, he's been really kind, and managed to get me a job at his library. It's honestly so beautiful there and I couldn't be anymore grateful for his company as friends. But he didn't really get the fact that I only wanted to be friends with him when he nearly tried to kiss me once, which he apologized for. He only thought that Damon being...away he can maybe date him or grow something with him but I love Damon and that's that. He understands now and accepts my space which I really like about him.

I stand up and wipe my baby blue dress down with both of my hands. "My mom once told me that...the ones that are related to you as blood doesn't always prohibit as a family, it's those who respect and put joy in each other's lives. I now truly believe this thanks to all of you." I say and everyone chuckles while smiling, gazing at me. "Living here and spending time with you guys is home. And I'm so grateful for that." I lift up my wine glass which is actually filled with water. Dias didn't want me to feel "left out". "Cheers," I say while the others repeat after me. Everyone clinks the whine glasses together and starts to put stacks of food in their plates. But I only drink from my glass thinking of the man I'm deeply in love with who can't spend this important event with me.

"Sorry, were late," Carter barges in the kitchen with Audrey. She waves at everyone and Dias literally looks like she's about to flip the whole table over, and aunt Sil has this sympathetic look where she sees Carter as obedient but still somehow fakes her warm smile to welcome him. "Brandon, glad you made it man." Carter shakes hands with him. "Yeah of course," he chuckles.

Carter sits down across Dias and has this act on where he thinks everything is just fine. "Dias can you grab the peppers for me," he says while chewing on the lettuce. Dias stares at him intensively but he doesn't notice.

"Dias," Carter then looks up at Dias.

The doorbell suddenly rings which breaks Dias and carters intense eye staring. I begin to get up but Dias gets up for me "I'll get that," she says getting up and gesturing her hands to get me to sit back down.

"What the hell is her problem?" he reaches and grabs the peppers himself, knocking down a glass of wine.

Is he serious?

"Shit," he mutters and grabs the napkin out of Audrey's hand to wipe the table down.

"Mia.." Dias says making me look towards her and my heart stops. I quickly run up to Damon who is standing next to Dias, almost falling and wrap my arms around him while he lifts me up with one of his hand wrapped around me which is almost pulling my dress up a little but at this point I don't even care. I can't help but start to whimper out cries. Happy cries.

His other hand is holding a suitcase which drags my attention but when I look up at Damon, he isn't staring at me. When I look behind myself, I find what Damon is looking at...Brandon. I need to clear things before he does anything but right now it can wait. I'm so shocked and couldn't be anymore happier that he's out of jail, but how?

"I'm so confused...wha-how?" I stutter.

"A..friend bailed me out," he looks away.

What kind of person has that much money?

"What's with the suitcase?" I ask. A little nervously.

He examines my face for awhile before answering but he doesn't say anything because he already knows that I know what he's doing since my expression changes.

"Right now?" I choke.

"Come with me," he steps closer to me.

"Damon, I don't know," i step away from him.

"I booked a flight for us to New York, Mia,"


"We need this." He comes closer to me again but drops his suitcase and holds both of my hands.

I let go of his hands and put both of my hands on each side of his face. "No Damon, you need this," I say calmly.

His expression vanishes into no expression at all while he takes my hands off of his face.

"Why do you always do this? You turn everything on me, when I'm doing things you've asked for," he raises his voice.

"I do want this, but now isn't the time,"

"No Mia," he steps close to my face, "it isn't the time for you," he says lastly and walks off.

"Damon" I go after him but he just slams the door shut on his way out, in my face.

Tears start to fall from my eyes and I run up the stairs until anyone sees me.

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