Chapter 35

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Damon gets off my bed and puts his baggy jeans on that are sprawled onto the floor, following his shirt and black leather coat. I can't help but stare at his muscles move with every one of his motions. It's so alluring that I can't keep my eyes off.

"You're leaving already?" I ask him sitting up and pulling the sheets with me to cover my bare chest. I glance at my alarm clock on my night stand, it has a red neon light with 8:03 boldly on the screen.

"Yeah," is all he says.

Why is he being so weird now? It's irritating and worrying me. Did I do something?

"Will you be busy all day?" I ask him chewing down on my bottom lip nervously, hoping he won't lash out on me from "coming into his business".

He turns his head at me "I was going to take you out to eat right now," he surprisingly remarks.

"That would be lovely," my smile grows.

He's not being weird after all. I'm just jumping to conclusions which now I feel guilty about.

"I'll meet you in the car," Damon tells me and I nod a couple of times reassuring him.

Damon shoves his two feet which are covered in black socks into his black boots and doesn't even bother to tie them.

Once his boots are improperly on he strides to the window and slings it open, jumping out onto the roof.

When I rush out of my bed still wrapped into the sheets, I go to the window to see if he made it to the ground safely and I luckily see him walking towards his car.

I rush to the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face and comb my hair back into a wavy ponytail.

When I get to my closet I find a light pink flowy summer dress that I haven't worn for awhile. I then put my flat white shoes on and grab my bag to toss my phone into it, i jolt down the staircase finding Dias still asleep and sprawled onto the couch with an arm draping down from the cushion.

When I walk into the kitchen I was planning to see my aunt there, so I can tell her I'm going out, but she isn't there. She probably went upstairs to sleep.

I leave a note on the counter telling them I'm going out to eat, leaving out Damon's presence.

I quickly walk out and lock the front door with the keys that aunt Sil gave me a month ago for safety reasonings. I open my bag and put my keys back into it while walking to Damon's car trying my best to be as fast as I could. The tint of breeze sweeps across my bare legs and it feels absolutely refreshing.

Damon pushes the car door halfway open while he's still seated onto his drivers seat.

"Sorry for making you wait so long," I apologize to him, closing the car door shut when I get in.

"It took you long enough," he chuckles.

I try to swat at his arm from his harsh remake but my hand is grabbed in time by Damon and he kisses the back of it just above my knuckles.

I look at him for awhile comprehending what he did. I'm blushing like crazy because I can feel my face heat up and the butterflies lurking in the pit on my stomach.

Damon doesn't let go of my hand while he starts to drive me to wherever he's going, making me curious on where he might be taking me this time.

"Where are we going to eat?" I ask him smiling.

He doesn't take his eyes off the road while answering me by saying, "is there a place in particular?"

"I just moved here and I don't know much," I tell him.

"Where'd you come from?" He asks me in a neutral tone.

"Before I got here I lived in Naperville,"

"What made you move here?"

If I want him to open up to me, I will have to open up to him first.

"My mother passed away from a severe illness father on the other hand was an alcoholic who abandoned me, my aunt called me to come to her place, here in Chicago for some company, I had to get out of that dreadful place," I explain at my best.

Bringing up my mother's sickness makes my stomach drop and grumble, maybe because I'm hungry or either because I'm actually very nauseous.

There's just some things that are kept to ourselves because talking about it can be hurting. But at the end of the day, letting people know can reassure how they look at you and see your true self. That's what I want for Damon and I. I want him to know he can talk to me about anything without any judgement.

I look at him confused because he doesn't say anything back but he's only left with a deep frown formed on his face.

"I want to move to New York soon," I say cheerfully, trying to bring back the bright mood. Plus, I do want to move to New York City. Dias and I talked about moving there when we were only teens. It was hard to actually fantasize about it together since she was living in Chicago while I was living in Naperville. The calls was just not enough for us to convince ourself that we would move there. But now we are pre adults and we live together which it maybe something we'll be ready to do.

"Yeah? When are you planning to go?"

"Me and Dias haven't really talked about it in awhile, but I'm deciding before I bring it up to her, I will need a little more time to stabilize myself first,"

"Fair enough. It takes a lot of responsibilities," Damon glances at me.

"I know...Are you going to stay in Chicago?"

Damon tenses his jaw and puts on a serious look. Is he mad? I hope not.

"I don't know," Damon says letting go of my hand.

"Did I say something to offend you?" The words tumble out of my mouth.

"No," he continues to stare at the road ahead of him.

"Oh, okay,"

I know he's lying but I don't want to push him to tell me anything because I know he'll turn it into an argument. It's early in the morning and the last thing on my mind is to start a fight with him.

I shift my body to my window and lean my head onto it, my eyes catch glimpses of the speeding blur that the road is effecting.

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