Chapter 31

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"Carter?" I hear an unfamiliar tiny voice come through the kitchen.

Carter and I both turn to the voice. I spot a beautiful young lady with shiny brown long curly hair that matches her silky dark skin.

"Audrey!" Carter gushes his voice walking towards her and swooping his arms around her for a hug.

"This is my girlfriend Audrey," Carter announces to me.

"Hi, I'm mia, Carter's cousin," I feel her focused and confused stare on me, which makes a reason why I mentioned im his cousin.

"Oh! Hi, nice to meet you," she pulls me into a swift hug.

"Nice to meet you too," I smile showing the top row of my teeth.

"Are you ready mister California?" She turns to carter and squishes his cheeks.

I cringe but smile at the same time from her cheesy remark to carter.

"Nope, I cant leave you here little miss," he says making me even more uncomfortable. but there so cute.

I look so clueless standing here which why I need to leave this little show that they are playing, but before that I still need to say my goodbyes to carter.

"I'll be there in a week calm down," She swats him playfully.

"That's too long," he grumbles.

Audrey glances at me noticing I'm still here. "Well I'll meet you in the car, alright?" She tells carter and he nods.

"I hope to see you around again soon," Audrey recalls to me.

"I hope so too," I pull her into a hug first this time.

Once she leaves my eyes trail at carter which is still staring at her.

"So this is it," I tell him to get his attention.

I'm so cheesed that he has to leave early, I wanted to at least spent more time with him before he left. I hope he'll be visiting.

"Yep," he looks around the kitchen then back to me.

"You'll be visiting, right?"

"Of course I will, and maybe you guys can come visit me sometime too,"

"Sounds like a plan," I tell him and give him a hug. "most importantly, be safe,"

"I will, I will,"

I let go of our brief hug and find Sil coming out of the corner.

"One more kiss," she demands cheerfully jogging up to carter.

Carter rolls his eyes once his mothers lips touch his cheeks.

"Dias!!" Aunt sil shouts towards the staircase.

I find Dias jolting down the staircase while muttering "yes, I'm here,"

She wraps her arms around carter and smacks him on the head "you better not do anything stupid," she says in a bossy tone.

"I know," Carter half laughs.

We all stand in silence for a slight moment while carter slings his bags over his shoulders.

"well, I guess this is our byes. I'll come see you guys soon," he promises us.

"You better," Dias and I say at once.

We all chuckle and watch carter who's staring at his shoes.

"Be safe baby," his mother, aunt Silvana says wiping tears that are draining her eyes.

He hugs her again and kisses the top of her forehead. "I love you," she sobs. "Love you too," he says back to her.

We all watch carter wave at us and hop into Audrey's car till they disappear around the corner of the street.

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