Chapter 33

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When my hands travel down to hug him by his waste, I feel a metal object attached and underneath his shirt.

I try to put his shirt up to witness if it is what I'm thinking it is but he grabs my wrist to stop me.

I jerk from his assault on him grabbing my wrist and move away from him but his expression gets angrier.

"Is that...why did you bring that here?" My face is flushed and I honestly don't know what to think of him bringing a loaded gun into a house that I don't even own, a place where my family are in.

"Listen, before I got here, something happened," is all he says.

"That's not enough of an excuse Damon, you're bringing a loaded weapon into my family's home,"

He brings it out and slams the bullet out of the gun. "There, i'll put it in one of your drawers,"

I gulp and he opens the last drawer where all, I mean all my bras and panties just have to be.

He grabs a red thong from the drawer and hangs it onto his finger, dangling it into his face. "Fuuuuck me," he whispers to himself.

"Damon," I shriek. I grab the small piece of fabric from him and he starts to chuckle.

"You cant just bring guns in here like it doesn't matter," I tell him putting my panties back into my drawer.

"Look Mia. The shit I do with guns shouldn't concern you,"

"What? Are you serious?"

"I'm just saying I use guns for important purposes,"

"Oh my god," I scoff, "Did you use it before you got here? You did didn't you?"

"Can we talk about something else fuck,"

"No, not this time. You promised me that we would talk but you left without telling me,"

"It's safer for you not to know, since you fucking told Blake that we're close now,"

"Did you talk to him? And first off you should be the last person to talk, you were the one who dragged me out of that bonfire and made a scene because I was talking to him,"

"Doesn't matter. I don't want you talking to him anymore period,"

"You can't tell me what to do Damon,"

"You just don't get it. This is why I cant be with you, because every fucking minute you come into my fucked up business,"

How can he say that? I feel embarrassed and flustered at the same time. I want to kick him out of here and tell him to go away. But I also just wished he would talk to me because I cant just let this be. If he doesn't talk to me, I would barely know who he really is. And that scares me.

"I didn't mean it like that," his voice softens but is still deep.

I care so much that I don't even want him to leave because I know Damon, he'll do something awfully bad if I kick him out, even though a part of me wants him to leave because I can't deal with him right now, I still hold onto that thought and let him stay.

"Something bad happened," he tells me randomly.

"How so?" My face turns anger to literal concern.

He lets out a breath and plops on my chair before he starts to talk.

"I went to see Blake," he finally says.

"Damon, why?"

"Cause they're looking for carter,"

What is he talking about?

"No, Carter went to California," I try to convince myself.

"See Mia, Carter does shit like that, when he's in a fucked up stage, he runs off, he leaves the state,"

I nod my head side to side comprehending a 'no', "no he-what did he do?"

Damon pauses then looks at me with a caution expression. I can tell he doesn't want to tell me but if he doesn't that'll just lead me to conclusions.

"He stole pounds of coke from Chaz,"

I'm speechless. I feel over weighted by a heavy rock sitting on my shoulders. I can't believe he did this. He lied to all of us. And I actually thought he was going to change.

"They had a meeting and one of the guys that I talk to told me..."

"Told you what?"

He looks away from me, "that they were threatening you, so chaz and i got into a fight. Don't worry he shouldn't be even bringing up your name anymore. I'll make sure of it." he says casually.

"You what? Oh god, this is too much to comprehend. How can he do something like this? I just can't believe it, he lied Damon," water rushes down my eyes and Damon suddenly gets up putting his arms around my body to hold me.

I don't feel safe anymore and now I know why Damon is so strict because he doesn't want me to get all paranoid since he dealt with it, in his own way. Every time Damon is hugging me or holding me this way I feel safer than ever. I'm thankful he stuck up for me, if he didn't, I don't think I would be safe at all.

"When you asked me why I came here, it's because I wanted to check up on you," he looks down at me and I look up at him, sniffling. "And that's because I do give a fuck and I do care about you." His words comfort me in every way possible and I did know that he didn't mean what he said earlier but hearing him say these things out load makes my heart warm up to him.

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