Chapter 49

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"You think William would like this watch?"

"Does he even wear watches?"

She puts the expensive watch back answering my question.

"I want to get him something close to perfect," she says wondering around the mall.

"What were some of the things you wanted to get him? Like do you have a list?" I ask.

"I was going to get him a book of a bunch of our favourite pictures of us in it,"

"That's so cute Dias,"

"I don't know, I want to get him something else, like something more granting,"

"There's nothing more granting then a memory full of pictures of you two in a book,"

"Says the romantic freak,"

I scoff with a smile sprawled on my face, "What's wrong with being romantic?"

"Nothing, it's just too corny, the whole book thing? Plus William and I aren't like that, I'd rather give him a blow job for his b-day, yunno shit like that,"

I look at her with a puzzled look and she bursts out into laughter, "I'm was only fucking with you, maybe a little,"

"I hate you," I swat at her and shake my head.

"You loooove me," she coos into my face.

I start to laugh while staring at her goofy faces, until I hit something.

Or hit someone.

My eyes trail up to the figure I crashed into and find a man with a leather coat and mid length wavy greasy hair with a deep green in his eyes, beside another guy who is much shorter than him but angrier looking.

"Sorry," I murmur.

He looks at me for quite long before saying "No worries," and smirks. The other man snorts out a laugh bringing me to my confused thoughts.

The man puts in a tooth pick into his mouth and walks off with the other guy following his steps away from us, leaving me shivering in fear.

"What the hell was that about?" Dias asks with attitude clear in her quality.

"I dont know?" I gulp.

"Those assholes really need to watch where they are going," Dias says loud enough for the whole mall to hear.

"Why don't we just throw a surprise party for him?" I say trying to change the subject but end up making a huge mistake once the word 'party' escapes my mouth.

"That's perfect, he loves parties! Mia why didn't you think of this before?"

I roll my eyes at her and we make our way out of the mall.

I instantly recognize those two faces from the mall earlier. They both are looking straight at me, "hurry and open your car door," I tell her looking back at them repeatedly to make sure they aren't following us.

"Aren't those the guys from earlier?" She says before me even telling her.

"Yeah, Just hurry to the car,"

Dias starts to jog a little and so do I. I look back again to see if they are standing in that same spot but unfortunately, they aren't. They aren't to be seen.

Dias and I sling the car doors open and get inside as quickly as we can.

"Why the fuck are they following us?" Dias pants in fear.

"I have no clue..."

Dias put the key to start the car but it seems like it's out of engine when it doesn't turn on.

"Dias can you just please start the car," I say out of complete frustration.

"I'm trying, it won't fucking start-fuck" she slams her hands on the steering wheel.

"Dias..." I say looking around slowly.

"What?" She snaps her head up at me.

"Did you unlock the car just now, before we just got in?"

My heart starts to quicken.

"Uh-y-yeah i did...didn't I?"

"Dias, if the car was unlocked this whole time.."

A metal blade tightens around my neck, from behind me.

"Don't move," the familiar raspy voice hits me.

I look to my side to Dias and see the other man pointing a bullet to her head.

She's sobbing into tears, "please don't hurt us, please,"

"Shut the fuck up," he pulls her hair and she lets out a horrid scream.

My eyes are getting glossy and I can't help but shake of how terrified I am.

"Which one of you bitches got Chaz into jail?" The raspy voice asks from behind me.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I say timidly.

He tightens the blade harder onto my neck making me almost choke. "Don't fuck with me and answer me right now!"

"Fine..It was me, I did," I manage to say.

"Good to know. Now, who's ready for a little trip, hm?"

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