First day

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"Wake up y/n!" I heard my mother's yell echo from the door frame which caused my eyes to open quickly in a panic, afraid I was late for my new job.  The bright light shining through the window made my eyes quickly squint. 

"Just give me five more minutes Mom," I shouted in annoyance as my eyes softened as I faced away from the bright light from the window.

"No, I can't be late for work. It was your idea to get credits for school by getting an internship at my job... so get up!" She said removing my blanket from on top of me and letting the cold breeze bite at my skin making me wake up. 

"Fine," I said as I got up from my bed grunting because I am not a morning person and hated being up so early. 

My mom left the room closing the door behind her and soon after I went to pick an outfit to wear. 

I'm Y/n, basically you. I want to grow up and study psychology. I am fascinated by how much our brains, on how different they can be. I want to work with patients and help them control what feels impossible. My mom also works in a psychiatric hospital coincidentally. That's probably why I got into this type of thing.

I'm a senior in high school. I don't have any special talents like singing or dancing but I can play the guitar. That's about it... I live with my mom. I don't have any siblings and my dad left us when I was 5 years old to further pursue his work but that does not mean he was completely gone out of my life. I think that's all you need to know to start our story. 

I put on black jeans and a light blueish top and I planned to pair it with some light blue vans. I finished putting my hair in a ponytail and headed downstairs to meet with my mother. 

"I'm ready," I said as I jumped down from the last three steps on the stairs making a soft thud on the wooden floors.

"Okay, grab a fruit, and let's go." She said jingling her keys.

"Okay," I grabbed a banana and walked over to the front door to put on my shoes then followed her out to the car and she started to drive to work. 

"Y/n, stay by my side at all times. Some of my co-workers aren't the friendliest people but I'm sure they'll warm up to you after a bit. We work in a very stressful environment which requires a lot of patience so do not take a lot of things said to heart." She said keeping her eyes on the road. 

"Okay, so what do you have planned for me today?" I was excited. I mean it was my first day and I had hoped I could learn about the patients a bit which was the part of the job that intrigued me the most. 

"You will be working in my office helping me catch up and sort some papers." 

"I won't be able to learn how to take care of the patients?" I was a bit disappointed, I didn't want to be locked up in a room looking at a bunch of papers.

"Some other day, I need to see if you are ready and show you all the protocols before you can go near a patient. Plus there is a small test to be taken to make sure understood everything and then and only then can you start helping out on the floor." I guess I understood. It was a good rule to have also that if anything went wrong the hospital wasn't liable. 


The whole car ride my mom was telling me about all the different types of patients which honestly fascinated me. We soon arrived at the psychiatric hospital and got out of the car, heading to the building.

We went inside and a nice security officer pulled me aside to take a picture of me. I had to get an ID badge so I could just walk right in next time. 

"Woah, these badges make me look like an official worker." I joked nudging my mom. 

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