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Trigger warning. If you're sensitive to the topic of suicide it would be best to wait until the next update.

{Moms Office}

"Y/n, we may have a problem." My moms voice turned into a concerned one. I sat in front of her desk as she spoke again.

"Yes?" I asked confused

"It's about Taehyung." She said pulling out papers from her desk.

"What about him?" She placed brain scans in front of me.

"These are the scans from the start to the end, do you see the change?" She asked pointing to every single photo.

"Y-Yes? What does it mean?" I tried piecing things together.

"It means Taehyung has developed something... what it is I'm not sure. It's nothing bad I hope. But there's something  else at the edge... that was there at the start."

"B-But he was doing fine, what could have changed?" I asked

"I'm not sure, I'm trying to look into it. I'm not sure how this is going to work, we have never encountered anything like this." She responded

"I- I know... I'm worried."

"I need you to hang out with him as much as possible, he needs to tell you if he's had a change." My mother finally said.

"Okay..." I stood up,

"I should probably get back to the kids on the tour, I'm going to go..." I said empty minded as I walked out of her office

As I walked out I noticed a blank expression Taehyung standing by the wall.

"Y/n..." Taehyung said in a sour voice

"Yea?" I asked concerned Incase he heard anything.

"Jimin said he didn't need me there! Like who doesn't want a wingman like Kim Taehyung." He pouted

I chuckled lightly in relief that he didn't hear anything. "Weren't you just complaining?" I shook my head.

"Yea... but now that he doesn't need me I have nothing to do... I finished all my college homework that's due in a week.." He Said once again still pouting.

"Aw, how about we go do something together?" I Said

"Like what?" He asked

"We can go... to the amusement park!" I answered.

"Yes!!! Okay yay!" He smiled widely like a child.

"Come on, we need to see to see how the kids on the tour are and how Jae is." I signaled him to follow me.

"Haven't seen Jae in a while, what's he in here for again?" Taehyung asked

"Not sure... I'm still figuring it out." I Responded.

"I see..."

{Taehyung POV}

Maybe it was for the best to not let her know...

But I love her..

But does she love you?


She's going to leave you Taehyung, don't believe her.

She won't!

The voice inside my head was getting louder and louder that I couldn't focus on what y/n was saying.

As I tried focusing I remembered what happened this morning.

Flashback {This Morning}

Do it Taehyung !


I The voice in my head told me to hurt her... but I love her! I couldn't do that to her.

Taehyung she's going to leave you! Like everyone else did.

I-I, who?!

You ever wondered how you ended up with y/n? Where's your family?


I shook my head in annoyance.

As I removed my grip from around y/n I stood up hyperventilating. I tried not waking her up and I went to the kitchen.

Everything went black and I saw something in my mind.


A girl...? A girl... was sitting next to a bridge. Her feet were dangling, it was pitch black... it was night time.

S-She's crying... saying sorry... my name? She said my name... my heart stopped, my mind went blank once I heard y/n saying goodbye as she left to the psychiatric hospital.
To be continued

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