Street Fair

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"Jimin, you wanna go to the street fair?"
"The what?" He looked over at me confused.

"Street fair, you know, where they have food and games." I tried jogging his memory, we had been to one a while back.

"Oh, yea!"

"Okay, I'll go tell Taehyung."

"Okay, I'm going to go go home and get ready I'll be back in a bit." He left and I went upstairs where I found Taehyung still asleep.

"Taehyung!" I yelled besides him trying to wake him up.

"Hm.." he murmured with his eyes still closed.

"We are going somewhere, it's time to get up! It's 3:00pm!"

"Mhm.."  he didn't budge

"You gave me one last option." I sighed.

I left the room to get my water bottle that I use to spray my hair when I grab it into a pony tail. I filled it up with water and headed back to Taehyung.

"If you don't wake up I'll spray you with water." I warned him.

"Taehyung!" I yelled, he was such a heavy sleeper and it would take a lot for him to get up.

"Fine." I sprayed the water on his face and he almost instantly got up and looked at me with daggers in his eyes. All I could do is laugh.

"What was that for!"

"You wouldn't wake up and I kept giving you chances." I shrugged and smiled.

"Fine. What did I need to wake up for?" He wiped his face with his t-shirt.

"You, jimin, and I are going to the street fair."
"The what?" He looked at me as if I was crazy.

"The street fair is where they serve a lot of food and there is a few games."

"Oh okay, I think I've been there once."
"Yea, wanna invite the rest of the boys?"

"Okay, I'll call them but before we go we need to get you some new clothes."

"Okay, let me just text jimin saying we will be back for him."

I put my shoes on since I was already ready and I got my keys and left with Taehyung to the clothing store.

It didn't take long to see what Taehyungs style was, so we got out of the store quickly. We went back home and he got dressed and we left to pick up Jimin.

"Wait, so what is in the street fair again" Taehyung asked.
"In the street fair there is food, games, and shops." I answered.
"Oh okay."

The rest of the ride was silent and we finally arrived. We got out the the car into the nicely lit up street.

"So, what should we do first?" Jimin asked looking around at the streets full of people having fun.

"Whatever you guys want to do." I Responded

"I want that!"  Taehyung said pointing to a plushie of a chicken.
"Okay, let's go win it." Jimin said

We walked over to the stand and both me and Jimin tried winning it. It took several and I mean several tries to win it but we finally did it. I knocked over all the bottles and I got him the chicken plushie.

"Thanks y/n." Taehyung smiled as he held the plushie.

"No problem. Also, the guys should be here any minute now."

We walked around a little more and the rest of the guys got here. All five of them took jimin with them to the food stands but me and Taehyung wanted to keep playing.

"Let's go there! I want that duck plushie!" I Said
He laughed and I dragged him with me.

I kept trying but I couldn't do it. I couldn't so then Taehyung took over and tried.

"You're not going to be able to do it I'm just telling y-"  I Started and got cut off by him winning

"How..?" I questioned.

He shrugged and said "it was easy."

"Of course it was." I thought back at how Mina said he played football, and he just proved he had a good arm. 

"Well, should we get food?" He asked as he eyed the food stands.

"Yea, sure."

We were looking for a food stand we wanted to get food from and I felt something intertwine with my hand. I looked down and I saw Taehyungs hand. I pretending to not care and keep walking but in reality I could feel my face turning red.

"Here!" I Said and we walked over to it.
"Can I have one of those and two of those?" I asked the worker.

"Sure, anything else?"

"You guys are such a cute couple. Young love is the best, enjoy it while you can." She smiled.
"We're n-" As I was about to correct the last Taehyung cut me off.

"Thank you." He smiled at her.
I just looked at him confused but then the lady gave us our food so we started to walk away.

"What was that all about?" I asked him

"What are you talking about?" He pretended not know.

"When you-"
He kissed my cheek and walked over to the other boys near us.

"O-Okay then...?" I couldn't help but laugh so that's exactly what I did. The boys looked over at me and teased taehyung

"Cute.." I Said while walking over to the others.
The night ended with us walking around and playing games plus eating more food.

We went home and Jimin decided to go to his house to sleep, he said that he was fine. Before we separated ways jimin had something to say.

"Guys, I'm going to have my birthday party in two days. It would mean a lot of you all went." He invited us.
"Of course!" The guys said

"Even if you didn't invite me I would go for my best friend." I smiled at him.

"Okay, I'll see you guys later then." He chuckled.

"Bye!" He said and left home. Jimin didn't want a ride, he said his mom was going to pick him up. We went home both me Taehyung. Once we got home I saw my mom down in the kitchen.

"Tired?" She Asked the both of us.
We just nodded and headed up the stairs. Before Taehyung and I were both about to open our doors he came up to me.
"Y/n." He said

At first I was confused, I guess... the night was memorable to him or he actually had fun. Either way I was more grateful for him than he was for me.

"You're welcome. Goodnight Tae." I messed with his hair and he walked away.
"Goodnight." He said and went into his room and so did I.
To be Continued

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