Mental Breakdown

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"Y/n..?" I heard my mother's voice call me from afar. It sounded almost like a whisper. She looked over at the chair and saw my sleeping with his blanket. 

"Y/n..Y/n!" She said in a loud whisper.

"Hm..." I responded

"It's time to go home." Home? What? I looked at her and noticed I wasn't in my room.

I got up quickly and noticed Taehyung did not have a blanket. I smiled at how caring he was. He gave me his blanket. 

"Okay, let me just get my things and we can leave." I tried to wake myself up even more. It seemed to be 9 at night when I checked my phone. I placed his blanket back on him quickly before I left. 

"Okay, I will wait in the car." My mother sighed. 

I got my bag and looked over at Taehyung. He looked so calm and peaceful, nothing like when he had his breakdown. I soon left his room and out to my moms car.

"You got him to fall asleep?" She questioned me, wrapped in her own thoughts. 

"I guess, I was working on a song for class and he was helping me ,I guess we both fell asleep." I looked out onto the dark streets with all the dim lights through the glass window. 

"Okay, but remember you have to be cautious." 

"You don't have school tomorrow." She changed the topic and recalled a phone call from earlier. 

"Why?" I asked confused, I didn't hear anything about them canceling class. 

"I'm not sure, it's a free day for all students. Something about a fundraiser they are using the whole school for."

"Oh okay." That was odd. I couldn't recall a fundraiser happening. 

"Are you gonna go with me early in the morning or hang out with Jimin?"

"Probably go with Jimin. I haven't been with him much lately." I looked over at her. 

"Okay, call me when you're coming to the hospital then." 


After that the car ride was really quiet. Once I got home I went straight to bed. I noticed I had a missed call from an unsaved number. My dad. I never saved it because I had it memorized and I never saw the point when we barley keep in contact anymore. It was just that time of the year where he finally remembered he had a daughter. 


(7 Am)


Hey, you doing anything today?

Y/n 🦋 :
No, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to catch up at the cafe in a few minutes?

Sure, ill see you there in 20 minutes.

Alright, Bye.

End of Conversation

I got up from my cozy bed with warm blankets and forced myself to take a quick shower. I don't know what possessed me to get up so early but I missed my bestfriend. As soon as I was done I got dressed and walked downstairs. 

"Mom, can I take your car to the cafe?" I shouted from the living room as I approached her study. 

"Why? Where's yours?" She looked up at me. 

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