Cant Move

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I rushed downstairs and went over to the trail. I could still see her, she had a pack of something. She was too far to clearly see.

I only stepped on the bricks on the trail so I didn't make a sound.

After about ten minutes of being careful I was starting to think she was just going for a walk.

That was until we reached another house. It looked like a normal house, except that it was in the middle of the woods. With no escape except the trail.

She walked in and I decided to look around to see where she was going.

I found a window on the side which showed the inside.

I saw Mina pacing around then going inside a room. All I could see was a bright light come out.

I couldn't confront her, not now...

What's going on? There's no way she harmed Eric.

'Go in'

'Go in'

'Go in'


I tried controlling the voice in my head but it started giving me a headache. I sighed, I sat down on the side of the house waiting for her to leave.

Hour and a half later.

She finally left, my phone was about to die.

I saw her leave into the woods, back to our house.

I reached the front door and quietly walked in. What if she wasn't alone?

I explored the house bottom part of the house.

It seemed pretty normal, that was until I entered the room from earlier.

" the actual f-" were my thoughts as I saw the blood splatter all over the walls.

A person in the middle of the room caught my eye.

"Y/n?" I questioned, I thought she left me.

Why is she here?

{Y/n POV}:

Mina has finally left and I was awake. She kept putting someone into my blood. How I wasn't dead? I have no clue.

I couldn't move, I felt weak and tired. My head kept getting dizzy because when I looked at anything my vision was blurry.

I heard the door open and I thought she was back. To finish me off.

"T-Tae.." I said weakly.

"Y/n?" He looked at me shocked, he walked over to me.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Y-You need to go. Now. Leave me here, I'll be-" I felt my eyes shutting until it completely turned dark

{Taehyung POV}:


I looked back and forth.

Leave her like she left you.


Don't let her control you.


The voice in my head was getting obnoxious so I ignored it.

I heard a ring in my ears.

I untied her hands and legs.

She woke up.

"Can you move?" I asked looking at the door then back at her.

"N-No." I could see she was trying but she actually couldn't.

I carried her and started to run out the house.

"What am I going to do with you..." I questioned myself, I couldn't go home. She would find me.

I couldn't believe she did this.

I started to run as fast I could past our house and into the town.

Y/n kept waking up but then closing her eyes, I could tell she felt nauseas.

We finally reached the store from earlier when she found me. I sat her down on the inside chairs.

{Y/n POV}:

"T-thank you..." I looked at him

We made eye contact and as cheesy as it sounds.. in that moment all I could think about was him.

That was until I tried moving.

"T-Tae... why can't I move." I said to him kind of panicked. My legs wouldn't move and neither would my arms.

I started to freak out with tears rushing down my face as I got frantic.

"It's okay! I'm going to get you help." He responded.

"I can't move..."

To Be Continued

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