Older Brother?

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"Mom!!!" I yelled as I walked down the stairs.

"Good morning to you too."

I figured being straight forward would get her to let me take him. "I'm taking Taehyung out."

"You can't." She shook her head no. That was breaking every protocol in the book. Once the patient is admitted they cannot be taken out for the safety of not only themselves but of everyone. 

"Come on, it will be a great way to find out more about him."

"It's dangerous." She said sternly, not even thinking twice about it. 

"You keep saying that but nothing happens! Let him see the world after all these years! He's calm when he's around me. You've seen first hand the progress I have made with him."

"I don't know y/n."

"I'll have Jimin with me!"

I could see she was reluctant but she had no other choice because she knew I wouldn't stop bugging her.
"Fine, be back before the sun sets and do not do anything extreme. I am trusting you y/n, this could get me fired."

"Really?! Thank you so much!" I was quite shocked she agreed so quickly or at all for that matter. 

"I will pick him up after class"

"Okay, I'll see you later honey."

"Bye mom!"

"Jimin!! Huge favor!!" I said as soon as I saw him. 

"Y/n!! What?" 

"Are you doing anything after school?"

"Nope, just gonna watch Netflix all by myself." He let out a sigh.

"Well, not anymore! You are gonna go with me to show Taehyung around the neighborhood."

"They let him out?!"

"Just for today, my mom let me take him out."

"Okay, I'll see you later then."

"Okay bye jimin, meet me at my car after school."

"Okay bye"

The school day went by quickly and it was time to go pick up Taehyung. I presented my song in front of the class this time and everyone seemed to love it. 

"I need to give Taehyung normal clothes so can I use some of your clothes?"
"Sure, I have some of chang-min's clothes at my house."

"Alright, let's get them first."

We went to his house and got Taehyung a white shirt, black Puma jacket, jeans, and black shoes.

Look above for a reference

We then went to the psychiatric hospital to pick up Taehyung.

We went inside.

"Y-Yes?" He looked up over at the door.

"Let's go little one!" Exclaimed jimin. 

He looked at jimin in confusion.

"We are leaving this place for today. We are gonna take you somewhere." I said smiling to him.

"R-really?" He looked a little scared but happy. 

"Yes, now put these clothes on." I said while handing him the outfit we picked out:

He walked into the bathroom and changed. He came back out after a few minutes.

{Taehyung FF}  "Save Me"Where stories live. Discover now