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"Y/n!" Jungkook exclaimed running towards me.

"Huh? Yea jungkook?" I looked up at him.

"Why aren't you happy? Didn't you hear what the doctor said at the hospital?"

"I did..."

"Then? Why do you sound so sad?"

"I'm not. I'm just worried."

"About? This is a good thing! Maybe he can be normal again!"

"He's always been normal. What if all his memories come back and he.. he goes back to how he was."

Flash Back

"Taehyung is going to wake up soon as you all know. Now that we have got the drug in his system flushed out and he seems to be more stable." The doctor told us.
I was anxious to know what he was going to say.

"And?" Yoongi responded.

"Good or bad news first?" The doctor sighed and looked at us for a response.

"Bad?" Namjoon said questioning what the doctor was going to say.

"We won't know much until he wakes up but he may have lost all his memories."

"What about the good news?" I asked because how could there be any good news after that.

"His mental state has changed. He's back to 'normal' ."

"W-What?" I said questioning. What does he mean normal...

"His brain is fixated to before the incident. He wished to let go of what hurt him. Only problem is If he has another incident like this he could go back to the way he was and could lose all his memories again. He wouldn't be able to make new memories nor remember anyone. But again we will not know for sure until he wakes up."

End of Flashback:

It's been four days since we got the news from the doctor. Taehyung hasn't woken up just yet. I decided to go take care of him every single day after school. I was driving over to the hospital with Jimin. The boys were a big support system and we got closer than I ever thought we would. 

"Do you think he woke up yet?" Jimin looked out the window, at all the cars and houses we passed.

"Hopefully, but I'm not too sure. I'm losing hope. I know he's supposed to wake up soon but soon seems like forever."

"True, but you never know."

We arrived at the hospital and searched for Taehyung. We went to his room but we couldn't find him. The room was completely empty that something in me started to panic.

"Jimin I'm going to ask the nurse if they know where he went."

He nodded

I walked over to the front desk and asked the girl on her laptop.
"Good morning, do you know what room the patient Kim Taehyung is in?"

"Yes, its right down the hall to the left."
"That's weird, I just checked his previous room but he wasn't there."

"Try checking the cafeteria here."

I left and met up with jimin so we headed to the cafeteria. The cafeteria? Did he wake up...?
I saw Tae.. he was walking around but he seemed confused.

"Well, lets go up to him and see if he remembers us?" Jimin said
"Okay.." I said scared he wouldn't.

We walked over to where Taehyung was. He looked at us with his big dark brown eyes in the most innocent way.

"Tae?" I called out to him.

"Y/n!" He responded and waved at me.

"Y-you remember us?" I said kind of shocked.

" Of course I do? Aren't you y/n and that's Jimin."
"Hey Taehyung!" Jimin said not letting anything stop him and hugged him. They both chuckled and Jimin let go.

"Well, are you ready to go?" I asked him.

"Go where?" he said
"Lets go talk to the doctor about when we can take you out of here." I said. I was confused that if his mind was before his "incident" then how he remembered us. 

We all agreed then left the cafeteria and went to
Look for the doctor. Once we found the doctor we asked about Taehyungs condition.

"Doctor? May i speak with you for a second?"
"Sure, follow me." He nodded and lead the way.

Jimin and Taehyung took a seat in the waiting room while i talked to the doctor.
"So, is Taehyung free to go?"

"Yes, just remember he remembers a few people just not his past. He acts like any regular teenage boy so be careful and keep him out of trouble. I would recommend not taking him back to the psychatric hospital and try to take him to different places and make him experience different things. Maybe do things that he wasn't able to do before to make up for lost time. As of now we are discharging him." 

"Oh okay, I'll have a talk with my mom later about him." I said
"Okay, well, he's free to go just sign him out."
"okay thank you so much." I said and left to go find taehyung and jimin.

I left to sign Taehyung out of the hospital and we soon left.

I soon realized his mind remembered us because he knew who we were. He remembered everything but his incident. The doctors don't know too much about him but how else could he know us if we were not present in his life before the hospital. 

"So, where are we going?" Questioned Jimin
"I don't know, where should we go?"
"Lets go talk with your mom?" He suggested.

That was probably the smart idea since I didn't know where to take Taehyung. We left to my house and found my mom sitting on the couch while watching T.V.

"Hello! M-" Taehyung was soon cut off by my mom

"Oh Taehyung you're out of the hospital."
"Yea!" He smiled at her with a smile that looked like a box. It was adorable.

"What's going on? why isn't Taehyung stuttering. You should take him back to his room."
"I cant."

"What do you mean you can't?" She looked at me as if I was crazy.

"He.. lost his memory. The doctor said it would be best if we didn't take him back and made him experience new things. Like how he did before and let him be a normal teenager."

"I got the report today..." She almost seemed to be talking to herself. She looked so stressed, more than I have ever seen her. 

"He can stay here in the guest room meanwhile we have a more stable place for him." I said hoping she didn't object. 

"Yeah, Okay." She said but she seemed out of it. 

"Canyouenrollhimintoourhighschool?" I quickly spoke hoping she understood.

"Can you enroll him into our high school..."

"Yeah, he has one more year to finish since he lost time so that should be fine." She sighed.

"Thank you!" Both I And Jimin said

Next Morning:
To be a continued

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