Skatepark Party

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We arrived at the skatepark. What I loved about this specific park was that there was an area which was an actual park with games and then ramps on the other side. We were walking over to some benches while Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook ran over to their skateboards and left to the ramps.

"y/n! hurry before they notice!" Namjoon said calling me over.

We were planning to throw a small "party" for Jimin and Taehyung as a "happy you survived" celebration. Taehyung and I decided to tell the rest of the boys today about us dating but in a discret way to see if they would catch on.

I went over to the car to take out the chicken, pizza, salad, sodas, and water. Once I brought all the food over they seemed to have finished decorating the two tables next to each other.

"we are done!" hoseok happily cheered. I took out my phone texting joy if she wanted to come over and hang out with us. Thankfully she replied quickly and said yes.

As soon as we finished the guys sent me to call the three boys back over.

"Tae!Jimin!Jungkook! come over here!"

"Whats up? Its done already?" Jungkook asked

"Yea, call the boys over."

"alright, got it"

I walked back over to the shaded area. I saw Joy arriving and getting out of her car so I went up to her.

"Hey joy!"

"Hey Girlie, Where's Tae and Jimin?"

"Follow me."

I lead her back to the others and I saw Jimin and Taehyung walking in the same direction. Once we all arrived Namjoon Popped up.

"Surprise!" he yelled

"Surprise!" the rest of us told them

"Whats this?" Jimin asked

"A little party for the both of you after the accident."

"Thanks guys" They both said.

As we all started to mess around and eat taehyung sat behind me and wrapped his arms around me which made Jungkook look and smile at us. I smiled back and he went back to his conversation.

Taehyung and I were in our own world eating and talking that we forgot the others were there.

"I likeee youuuuuuuuuuuu." he said and kissed my cheek which made me blush.

"I love you." I smiled at him

"I love you too babe." As we kept talk and being cringey we looked back at the rest and saw that they were staring.

"Yea?" i asked

"Y-You-" Jungkook stuttered and got cut off my Jimin

"What he's trying to say is ARE YOU TWO DATIING!?"

"We forgot to mention that right?" I chuckled nervously

"Umm...Yes! Yes you did!"

"Yes, Y/N is mine and you guys have no chance at getting with her." Taheyung smirked and turned me around to face him. He kissed me on the lips which left me flustered. I looked back at everyone and they all seemed happy except for one.

"Jimin.. can we talk?" I asked him because I noticed his gloomy and shocked expression. I knew him better than anyone and I wanted to know what was wrong.

"S-Sure.." he snapped out of his day dreaming.

We walked over to a tree nearby far away enough for the rest not to heat us.

"What's up?..." He asked avoiding eye contact
"What's wrong? Why are you acting weird?"
"I-It's nothing..."
"Doesn't sound like nothing."
"It's really nothing."
"Park Jimin! If you don't tell me this instance you can forget about me talking to you for a month." I crossed my arms looking at him straight in the eyes.
"Y/n... stop."
"Stop what? Worrying for my best friend? It's not that easy!"
"Well liking your best friend isn't easy either!"
"W-What?" I froze
"I like you! I have liked you! I always did but I know I don't stand a chance! My heart.. it hurts seeing you with him but I'm also happy for you. I just wish I would have had a chance." He lowered his head avoiding eye contact.

"Jimin... I didn't know you felt that way."
"Well now you know."
"I can't accept your feelings but I hope we can stay best friends." I tried smiling at him. I hugged him rubbing his back.
"It just hurts seeing you with him." I felt a tear land on my shoulder.
"I'm so sorry Jimin."
"You have nothing to say sorry about. I can't control it, I can't just stop liking you. I will try but I can't guarantee it. Go have fun I'll try to do my best." He released my hug and looked at me.
"I wish you the best with him." He smiled wiping the tears from his eyes.
"I wish you the best with whoever you find."

We walked back to the group after jimin had calmed down and I saw Tae staring at us. He went over to me and back hugged me then put his chin on my shoulder.

"Hand me my $30 Jin." Namjoon said extending his hand
"Ugh, Fine a bets a bet." He took out cash from his wallet and handed it over
"What was the bet?"
"You guys would date in under two months. Here we are I won!" Namjoon Said
I shook my head and chuckled at their childish sides.

The rest of the day went great. Jimin seemed to have a great time with Joy. They basically hung out the whole day and the boys of course spent it on the skate ramps which Namjoon kept falling off. It was a good day, a day I would always remember.
To be Continued

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