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I woke up quickly hoping the hours would go by faster but sadly by looking at the clock every 10 seconds made it feel like an eternity. I went to music class and Jimin signaled me to sit with him. 

"Hey Jimin" I said as I sat down.

"Hey Y/n! How did it go yesterday?" He asked turning to face me.

"I'm actually Taehyung's nurse now!" 

"Let me know what happens! Also did you do the music homework?" He questioned as he took out a music page. 

"Homework? We had homework...?" I chuckled nervously. 

"Yea, you have to write your own song. It was supposed to be whatever came to mind and it didn't have to be perfect."

"No, no I did not."

"Well, don't you have songs you have wrote memorized?"

"Not fully memorized but I hope she doesn't get to me today."

Thankfully there were ten people left to show their songs. I got saved by the bell quite literally. Class ended and it was finally time to go to the hospital and meet Taehyung. I said my goodbyes to Jimin and Chang-min like usual and left in my car going to the hospital. Once I got to the hospital I signed in like usual and was greeted by Solji, well more like annoyed.

"So, I heard you're Taehyung's new nurse." She looked at me with crossed  arms.

"How did you know?" I questioned.

"Oh, since you're his main nurse they put your name in front of his room. Also everyone is talking about how an intern thinks she can handle him." She laughed and looked at her nails.


"Well, just so you know he almost killed one of the nurses." She said trying to scare me.

"Maybe she hurt him first." I spoke back. 

"All I'm saying is to be careful."

"Right, well, thanks for the warning I got to go." I then left to my moms office to get her instructions before meeting Taehyung. 

"Mom, I'm here." I walked in her office. 

"Hey Y/n, how was school?"

"It was normal I guess."

"Okay, well, today is your first day with Taehyung. All you have to do is keep him company. They will give him medications throughout the day."

"Okay!" I said excited, I actually got to meet him today. 

"Joy will lead you to his room, she's waiting right outside again." She handed me his file that had all the information I needed. 

"Okay, I'm going to look for her." I said as I was walking out the door. 

"Okay, remember be careful."

"I will mom, Bye!" I closed the door. 

I walked out looking for Joy. I soon found her and we walked over to Taehyung's room.

"Be careful y/n." She warned. 

"I will, don't worry." All these warnings were starting to get to me, I mean I was going to be careful but of what?

"If you need anything just press the purple button on the wall on the far right."

"Okay, thanks." I nodded.

"If anything happens there is always nurses out in the halls and they can see through the window so it will be okay." She reassured me ONCE again. 

"Okay, well I'm gonna go in now." I smiled. 

{Taehyung FF}  "Save Me"Where stories live. Discover now