Eyes Closed

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My eyes shot open, everything was blurry and quiet but loud. So many whispers but I couldn't speak.
I gasped for air and my vision came back. Joy was by my side with My mom on the other.

"Y/n.."I heard a whisper on my right side
"Y/n." Another one on my left.
"Y/n!" I heard it more clearly
"Mom, Joy?" I said looking up at the blurry figures next to me.

"Sweetie, your awake, hold on I'm gonna call the doctor."

I couldn't remember what happened.
"Are you okay? Does anything hurt?"
As she said that I felt a sting in my head but then my memory started to rush back.

Cars honking
Glass shattering
Bright Lights

"W-Where are they?!" I yelled as loud as I could which probably sounded like my normal voice since my voice was almost completely gone.

"Calm down y/n, calm down."

"No! Where are they?!" I started to try to get up.
"Y/n, listen and stop!" She tried pushing me back.
I started to get dizzy but I need to find them.. I needed to know if they were okay.

As I was gonna try to get up again I saw the doctor coming in to check on me.
"I need to know if they are okay joy!" I frantically yelled at her.

"Y/n? Y/n... listen." The doctor said as he checked his documents
"Your friends are okay... calm down, I will take you to see them if you calm down and do what I tell you."

I sat back down slowly trying get my composure back.

"Okay, y/n, correct?"
I nodded

"I'm gonna give you a quick check up, once I'm done and if you are perfectly fine I will take you to see your friends, okay? Sound like a deal?"

—————TIME SKIP—————

"They are in room 305."  The doctor pointed to down the hall.
After the check up he said I was fine just some minor bruising and scratches. Since my side was still hurting and I couldn't stand up properly they gave me a wheel chair. Joy started to take me over to their room.

As we walked in the atmosphere was quiet and cold. I looked over at the two beds in the room and there laid my best friend and my patient.. my crush... the guy I had feelings for.

I remembered what the last doctor said about Taehyung, about how if anything like this ever happened again he would die. I can't have that happen.

At the sight of their cold lifeless bodies made it even worse. How did I wake up? How am I here? Why couldn't it be the other way around.

"Can you leave me in here for a bit? Please?"
"Yea, I'll be back in a few minutes."

She walked out and I tried moving my wheelchair towards their beds. I went in the middle of them both and held their hands.
"Why can't you guys just wake up." I started to tear up

"Jimin, I love you. I need you here, I need to tell you about everything that happened. I want you to tell me what happened in your life. I want to have one of those stupid sleepovers we used to have."

"Taehyung, we have so much to find and discover about you. I don't want you as my patient anymore. I knew this would happen and it did. I caught feelings for you, I need you to live, I want both of you to live." I put my head down on Taehyungs bed and started to sob.

At this point I felt weak and beaten. Although they were here with me and not dead it felt like they were taken from me.

As I was crying the door opened and I saw the boys come in.
"Y/n, you're awake." Namjoon rushed in.
The boys all came over to my side and hugged me.
"I-I guess I am."

"It's gonna be okay." Hoseok whispered besides me.
"Hoseok I love you but 'it's gonna be okay' is all people tell me! Words aren't gonna do anything! I need to know that they will be okay and will get out of here." I started to get up.

"Y/n." Yoongi called out

"No, I need them to wake up! Please! Wake up." I fell down to my knees crying. I felt pathetic but I needed them to be okay. I needed to know. I didn't need words reassuring me I needed actions.
To be Continued

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