Saved Him

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I uploaded this three days ago but it said it had no views.. so I checked on my other account because I thought everyone gave up reading this and saw that it wasn't there? So I think I have it fixed now. Enjoy Save Me sorry for the long wait 💜

Well here we are, at the end of it all.
Happy new beginnings for Kim Taehyung and those around him.

It's kind of weird looking at the first episode and then at this one because you can see how much my writing has changed. I'm quite scared to go back and edit all the mistakes I've made, that you surprisingly read.

This is also 1.3k words... a very long ending but I hope it is a good one. 💜

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the ending of

Save me.

The memory was so distant like if it was a dream. The memory of meeting the one and only Kim Taehyung. That day in the psychiatric hospital where I was so happy to even be there, when my mother was still a manager. Oh how could I forget the one and only Solji, I think she warmed up to me over the years. I smiled at the distant memory of both of us making each other mad.

I sighed as I walked through the cherry blossom trail where small pink flowers fell around me. I came out on a walk on my own, after all of this, I needed some me time. All the memories flashed as I walked more and more on the empty trail.

More special memories flashed my eyes like Jimin's birthday party, I shook my head and laughed at the thought. I laughed at how weird we all were in the past, a good weird. I had so many memories that I kept thinking of and smiling at. I made the falling flowers represent all the good and the bad memories, they all brought the tree together.

I am walking on this trail today to think but to also make me stronger, six years since everything has happened. It has been six very relaxing years, it all set in that it is over. Although I cant say it hasn't been difficult managing my life.

It has taken me so much to be a rock to Taehyung, I knew that I loved him but I would be lying if i said it was easy. Easy to say im not traumatized, easy to say im okay, easy to say that I didn't care, it was all easy to say but I didn't mean it. It all hurt so much but as long as he was okay, I was okay.

As I took my weekly walk I didn't think much of it, just walk, think, and go back. Go back to my life, the life that we have created. I looked around me, it was the afternoon and the ray of sunshine was going down. The bell like lamps lit the area around me. At the end of the trail I saw my beatiful boyfriend with his arms crossed. I smiled at him and also realized I was not only his rock but he was also mine.

"Hello, stranger." I walked up to him and hugged him.

I let go once I saw my two beautiful angels walking behind him. My two angels my baby girl Ha-nuel and my baby boy Ha-kun. The two little rascals that brought so much joy to my life. The joy that no one could replace.

Ha-nuel was 3 years old and Ha-kun was 4 years old, I wanted them to cherish each others company forever now that they are close in age. I saw them walk up with a small box held by both. A box that would tie us all together once and for all.

My eyes started to water and I started to smile as my lip quivered. I took a step back and my two children stood next to Taehyung. Tae got on one knee and looked straight up at me.

"Will you marry me?" All I have been waiting for. This is all I have been waiting for.

"Yes! Omg yes!" I yelled and before I knew it the people that seemed like they were never there came out.

"Congratulations!!" My mother yelled as she walked out from a cherry blossom tree.

"Thank you." I hugged her and got congratulated by all the boys and joy. Joy has actually been one of my girl friends that I've kept over the years and I was happy with that.

I smiled at the sight of everyone talking and as my dazzling ring shined bright.

Jins daughter was also here, she played with my two angels and I was sure they were going to grow up loving each other. At least I hoped so but that was their own story to continue.

"I do."

"I do."

Those words locked us in forever at least I hoped so. I learned to live in the moment and today was our special day. The day that officially made us a family.

Right after the ceremony we all partied and had the time of our lives. I looked around and saw everyone dancing, Yoongi drinking and calling after Jungkook who was sat right next to him which made me giggle and shake my head.

I laughed, also at Hoseok just dancing with Namjoon on the dance floor. Jimin was over in the corner talking to Joy. Jin had also just went out to the dance floor with Joon and Hoseok.

As I looked around at everyone I felt fingers intertwine with mine. I looked to my side and saw Taehyung.

"Hey." I sighed and smiled at him.

"Crazy day huh?" He asked me.

"Very, but im glad I'm sharing it with you." I said, he let go of my hand and back hugged me.

1 year later

Tae and the boys were now sitting in our now three story homes living room. Ha-kun and Ha-Neul were getting babysat by the boys today while I have to work.

"Hey everyone." I smiled and waved.

"Hey Y/n!" The boys greeted me.

"Mom!" The kids ran towards me.

"Hi babies." I looked down at them and wrapped my hand around them.

They ran back to the boys.

Ha-nuel was obsessed with Jimin but at the same time who wasn't? He would always buy her gifts and take her to get ice cream with the rest of the boys.

Ha-kun liked to hang out with yoongi and produce some music. I notice be loved singing and dancing. He would always dance and sing wherever he went and with Taehyung.

Jungkook's music career has taken off actually, he's doing amazing in sells. The boys always help him come up with new songs but he's getting quite big here.

After all of these years all of ours lives started to come together. All the boys had girlfriends expect for Jimin which was on the talking phase with Joy.

Speaking of joy, she should be here any-

"Joy!" I said as she walked in the door.

"Hey." She smiled and me and walked over.

"I need to go but thanks for staying with them. I don't trust the guys that much." I shook my head.

"Don't worry, I'll supervise." She winked at me and smiled.

Taehyung got up and went next to me.

"That hurt, I'm their father of course I can take care of them." He pouted.

"Of course I trust you! Just not the rest of them. Last time I came back from work Jungkook and Ha-Kun had drank all seven cartons of banana milk.

"Don't worry, I'll be the father I never had." He smiled at me then at the kids.

I smiled and said my goodbyes to everyone.

"Just date already!" I yelled at Jimin and Joy and ran out the door like a child.

I could hear them laugh from the other side of the door. That is all I wanted. To make them all happy.


Saved Him.

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