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{Taehyung POV}

I clenched my jaw at the sight of Mina's boyfriend.

When I ran away from Y/- ... I found Mina. She took me to her home and there he was. Laying down on her couch. Drowsy and seemed out of it. He would disappear and come back from time to time.

Mina would come home from wherever he lived and with more bruises than before.

"Taehyung..." he spoke.

"Why are you here?" My eyes twitched out of anger. Something was holding down my chest.

"Whatever she told you it's not true... p-please you need to help me." Be started to couch up blood.

"What the hell are you doing?! What do you mean." I looked at him. He was pale... like when you die, where someone's skin looks gray and pale. All the color had left.

"S-she tried killing me. I-..." he dropped to the ground.

He can't be dead... what just happened.

I rushed over to him and looked at his pulse. He was still alive but by a string.

I'm going to regret this.

I carried his almost life less body to my room. As I walked up the stairs I placed him on a chair.

"Damn couldn't you have taken a shower?" I shook my head.

I heard the door click. I locked my door then quickly rushed downstairs.

"Mina...where have you been?" I questioned her.

"I told you? I went with my Eric." She answered. I looked at her. She looked normal but she was lying to me. I don't like lies...

"What did you guys do?" I made a fist behind my back. My finger nails clawing into my skin.

I do this when I angry on anxious.

"We went for a walk and talked about a lot." She said as she walked past me to the kitchen.

There was a red stain on the back of her shirt.

"What's that on your shirt?" I turned to face her.

"Where?" She looked at me.

"On your back. What Is that?" I looked at her straight in her eyes.

"Not sure, probably backed up onto something."

I grabbed food for Eric and took it to my room. I left it on the side, I knew he was going to wake up he kept opening his eyes and I could tell he was not fed in a while.

I saw Mina was about to leave again. I could see her through my bedroom window... she was going through the trail.

I decided to follow her.
To Be Continued

{Taehyung FF}  "Save Me"Where stories live. Discover now