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"Have you seen the girl that was sitting down?"

"No? Who did you bring."

"Aish, never mind she left just like I thought she would."

"It's okay Taehyungie, why don't you go rest."


I woke up unconscious of where I was, it seemed dark and spacious.

I heard someone say taehyungs name...

"Tae!!!" I tried yelling

But they were soon turned into murmured screaming. The tape over my mouth forbid me from saying anything.

What's happening...

I tried standing up but I couldn't, my legs were tied up to chains who were really close to the wall. I fell straight back down.

I soon heard a click from the door.

The light on the outside and the darkness on the inside contrasted each other. The figure was dark with a bright aura.


"Hello Y/n, I'm back." She smiled.

"Be very quiet, I don't want to disturb my brothers sleep. Now tell me, why are you here." She got closer and ripped the tape from my lips.

It felt sticky and left a stinging sensation.

I tried rubbing my lips but my hands were also tied to some long chains on the wall.

I stayed quiet.

"You know, He thinks you hate him and used him. Just to have fun and leave him." She smirked

"T-That's not true.." my mouth finally gasped air, it felt dry and I could barley speak.

"It's true in his mind.. I'll be back in a day or two... or maybe a few hours. We shall see." She stood up and put a new tape piece on my mouth. She then proceeded to walk out.

Mina was evil but I never thought she would go this far. My hands started to feel the pressure of the chains. I could tell that once these were taken off they were going to leave a bright red imprint.

Aside from being evil she wasn't the smartest. I doubt she checked me for devices.

I tried reaching for my pockets but I started to get some of my memory back. My phone was knocked out of my hand when I blacked out.

I have no escape...

I started to hear footsteps from outside the door. I tried screaming loud enough for the murmurs to be heard on the outside.

{Taehyung POV}

"Where are you going?" I asked Mina who was holding her phone and looking for directions.

That phone case looked awfully familiar, I just don't know from where. The dark red case gave me a strange feeling.

"I'm going to look for Eric." She said and was about to walk out.

"That prick? Mina.. look at yourself, the bruises. This isn't okay. Don't go."

"Taehyungie, I already told you the bruises are not from him. We went out together and I fell or we just go on adventures." She smiled and sighed.

"He seems like he could kill someone he isn't safe."

I looked at her then started to get distracted by a faint noise. It sounded like a 'mmmm' sound.

It was coming from her garage.

I grabbed the handle ready to open it but she stopped me.

"Don't open it!" She yelled.

I looked at her confused as to why I should not open it.

"I have a surprise for you.. if you open it, it will be for nothing. Please."

"A surprise?" I questioned her.

"Don't you remember?" She asked and I shook my head.

"It's your birthday next week. Just don't open it." She sighed.

I slowly let go of the handle and we said our goodbyes.

I headed back upstairs with a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach..
To Be Continued

{Taehyung FF}  "Save Me"Where stories live. Discover now