It's my fault...

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It had been two unpleasant weeks since the moment where we were all traumatized. Its not easy to see anyone, not even if you hate them, commit suicide. I don't know how to explain the feeling... its kind of unexplainable.  It makes you want to cry.. for a person who hurt you first.

It had been time for the funeral, it hurt seeing Tae so sad and tired. He didn't want to go out anywhere and always fell asleep crying, crying for a person who caused him the most harm in his life. I was in the car driving over to the funeral home, Tae was going with the boys since they agreed to help him get over here.

Once I arrived there weren't many people, what Tae didn't know was... we found what ended up happening with his biological parents. I had finally solved the mystery of his past, the past that caused him so much trauma.

They were dead.

A car accident killed them both, his father was driving while drunk. They were both trying to leave town for reasons we might never know. What I do know is that they left their children, left them to go through the scary world on their own.

As much pain and sorrow they caused him they were still his parents. I decided to place their ashes right next to Mina's so we could have a proper ceremony for all.

One abused him and made him think he was never enough.

Another told him to grow up and that she wont console him.

Another... well tried killing me but also put him through hell to be number one in the family.

A tear escaped my eye, losing everyone in your family must hurt so much. It sucks knowing the people that were supposed to be there forever would be gone. These were people we couldn't save..

I wiped the tear and looked back since I heard footsteps. The boys bowed their head and greeted me.

"Come on." I said and went to Taehyungs side grabbing his hand. I turned and smiled at him. I wanted to be his rock he could lean on, I wanted to be the person that would be there  forever. I don't want him walking in this scary world without me. I don't ever want to see him suffer like this again. 

We all went to sit down in the chairs that faced the front where Mina and her parents ashes laid. Everyone who supported Tae was here which included Me, all six of the boys, my mother, joy, and, Jins wife and daughter. We wanted the ceremony to be small.

Most of us gave speeches about the situation and once the ceremony had finally ended we carried the vases with the ashes into the displays we had paid for. We each put one rose to pay our respects.

We all walked outside and talked, I pulled Taehyung to the side to speak with him. We sat on the stairs that were in the entrance. We still had our hands intertwined.

"You okay?" I looked to my side, looking at his facial expressions.

He shook his head no.

"Talk to me Tae."

"It's all my fault...I didn't get there in time" Tears started to form in his beautiful eyes once again.

"What? There's no way you could have known Tae... it's not your fault." I sighed, I side hugged him.

"I did know!" His yell was heard by the others because all the conversations came to a pause. I signaled them to look away.


"Y/n... a while ago, I had a pain in the side of my head. I thought it was normal because I've had so many of those. I saw a female... sitting on a bridge but I didn't get to see how it ended. I don't know how this is even possible! I am crazy aren't I... I shrugged it off that day, but that night It came back. The night you went on a walk with Jimin It came back and I saw.. I saw h-him."

He stuttered on the last part and I looked over and kept eye contact with him.

"Him?" I questioned.

"My father... I saw him. I saw his face on Mina's body. I then rushed out to find you and her. I got there too late.." Tears kept dropping from his eyes as he said that.

"Youre not crazy, come on." I got up and so did he. I hugged him then grabbed his hand once more and I took him with the rest. I can't stand seeing him sad. It was all of our missions to make sure this was not a sad day for him.

We made our way to the car and rode around the city, I tried making him laugh and buying him all sorts of random things.

I was still confused as to how that was possible but that was a worry for another day.

Tae showed me one thing quite important the past few weeks. No matter how much you hate someone for what they did to you they were still human. Although he had all these mental problems caused by his own family he loved them with all his heart.

You have someone, that one person who will be there for you until the end. Don't end your life because life got hard wait for it to get better. Wait for that person who will stay with you.

You're not alone.

Let them save you.

To Be Continued

Ahhhhhh! The next episode will be the last one. Sorry if this episode was a bit heavy. I hope you have enjoyed Save Me this far, and I'm very happy with the way it will end. I hope you stay tuned for the ending.

Have a GREAT Morning/ Afternoon/ Night💜💞💕❣️💜

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