Save Him

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{Taehyung POV}

"Thanks Taehyung." Y/n's mom thanked me as her daughter was getting carried into an ambulance.

"Yea no problem.. thankfully I remembered your number." I sighed, the sight of her getting carried into that van was heartbreaking.

"Why don't you go with her?" She asked.

"I-I can't, I have something I have to do first." My eyes fell on the cops.

"I get it." She hugged me.
I was stiff at first but then gave into the hug.

"We will wait for you at the hospital, thanks again." She said and walked away into the ambulance.

I smiled at her and from there I lead to cops to my house. I was scared at what Mina would think. Although she did all this she was still my sister.

I'm betraying someone with my own blood... aish, how could I forget, Eric. I've been gone for too long I hope she didn't go into my room.


I walked into my house first, I didn't want to alarm her.

"Tae? Where have you been? You've been gone a while." She sat down on the couch scrolling through her phone.

"What happened to Eric?" I questioned her, I wanted to know if she would lie to me again.

"What do you mean? He's at his house." She smiled at me.

"Mina don't lie." I got closer to her.

"What's going on Tae? Why are you asking?" She froze up when she looked past me.

"Eric? What are you doing here?" She seemed shocked. He was very pale and looked like he would pass out any minute.

I went over to him so he could lean on me, after a few seconds the cops came in.

"You deserve this..." I said as they were handcuffing her.

"After everything? You're really going to let them take me? What did I even do?!" She yelled at me.

"Y/n." As I said her name Mina froze.

"It wasn't me!" She yelled.

They took Eric into an ambulance and Mina into a police car.

I sighed in relief, finally.

As I was walking out of the house in relief a strong vibration went through my head.

I fell straight to the ground hitting my head on the wood stairs.

All I could hear were the paramedics rushing towards me.


{Y/n POV}:

It had been hours of treatment, I was starting to get restless in this white room. The only colorful thing were the curtains.

A bright blue design of a sky with white clouds.

"Can you feel this?" The nurse asked me as she was applying pressure on my foot.

"Kind of, barley." I looked at her.

"Is this going to be forever? What's happening? No one has given me an explanation." I looked over at the door, my mother walked in.

"Mom... what's going on." I asked her and the doctor walked in right after her.

"Y/n, it seems as if the injections that have put in you had some kind of liquid plastic. It's going through your body stiffening all your bones and gripping onto your blood. We do have something that can dissolve it but it will me a long process. Are you scared of needles?" He asked me.

What did that crazy psycho put in me.

"Uh no, clearly not." I was kind of angry, I mean after all of this I'm sure he could tell I wasn't scared of needles.

"Sorry." I noticed I was in the wrong, he was the person trying to help me.

It's okay," he looked away to talk to my mom.

"We have a new patient, his name is Kim Taehyung but he has no family. He said he knows you. He suffered some injuries after this whole afternoon."

He was talking to my mom but even in that moment I heard his name... Kim Taehyung.

What happened? Did she do something to him?

"Is he okay?" I looked over at the doctor and he looked back at me.

"Uh yea, just a few bruises and his head fell on some steps so we are taking precautions."

"I should get going, I'm going to go check on him." He bowed and left the room.

My mom walked over to me.

"It's going to be okay, I will tell the doctor everything. I will be by both of your sides." She grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

A test escaped my eye.

I couldn't feel her touch, I couldn't even feel the blanket on me.

But even after all of that the only thing my mind went to was him.

Was he okay?

"Mom..." I looked straight in front of me at the blank wall.

"Hm?" She questioned.

"Save Him."

To Be Continued

Sorry if there are any errors, quarantine is getting to my head. I've been writing a lot none stop so I hope you guys enjoy then next few chapters.

Almost the end...

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