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I was on the couch with my mom watching a random show that popped up for the both of us while we were scrolling through the channels. I looked over at her and I decided to ask something. 

"Hey, can I ask you a question"

"Sure, what is it?"

"You know how all the rooms at the hospital are all white and grey?"

"Yea, why?"

"Do you think I could decorate Taehyung's room a little?"

"Do you think he will like it?"

"He seems like he needs a change of scenery."

"Hm, well, sure but you aren't gonna paint the walls right? Just decorate? It can't be too much and it can't be anything that could remotely hurt him or he could use to hurt himself. You just never know sometimes."

"Yea, I'll get him some plushies and posters. Simple things."

Oh, I see. That's fine then."

"Okay, thanks! I'm gonna go to school now."

"Bye sweetie."

"Bye mom!"

I left the house and got into my car. I got to school and went to class. After a few hours classes were over and I went straight to the store. Music class was thankfully canceled because our teacher volunteered to help in another class making ours a free period. 

I got him some K-pop posters since he's into music. I got him a tiger plushie so he could hold while sleeping. I decided to buy him his own guitar as well so he could work on his own music. 

After shopping I went to the hospital to see Taehyung again.

"Good afternoon Tae!" I said greeting him as I walked in the room.

"H-hi." He looked up surprised.
"I got you some presents!"

 He moved his head to the side and stared at me confused. 

"Yea!" I said showing him the bags.

"Well, I got you some K-pop group posters."

I showed him the Twice, EXO, seventeen, and Red velvet posters I picked out.

"T-they l-look n-nice." He said with a happy expression.

"I'm glad you like them. I will put them up later." I put the bags down.


"I also got you some plushies! I got you a guitar plushie and a Tiger plushie!"

"T-they L-look a-adorable." He said with his eyes fixated on my hands holding the plushies.

"They are for you to keep when you sleep. You can hug them to sleep. When you want those voices to stop talking to you, you hug these plushies and call for me okay?"

He nodded and looked at me confused as to how I knew about the voice in his head. The one that makes him talk to himself often. He soon shrugged it off. 

"I got you one more present!"

"W-What's is it?"

"A guitar!" I showed him the guitar that was placed behind me.

"T-thank you!" His eyes lit up. I smiled at him.

"No problem, now you can make all the different songs you want!"


Taehyung grabbed the guitar and started to play it. I just watched him in awe. I really wanted to help him I just didn't know how.

I studied the way he's been acting and noticed that he does talk to himself which we all do with the voice in our head but he seemed off. He must have had a troubled past. To know how to help him I need to know what happened. He also felt unsafe and I felt like he had ptsd of some sort which was severe. It may have gone untreated for a while. I want to help him and give him some exposure therapy to the outside world but I'm afraid if I do bring it up he could snap and try to hurt me or himself.

Lunch passed. I wanted to do some research on Taehyung's past. I decided to go to my mom and ask her a few questions.


"Yes, Y/n?"

"Do you have any information of Taehyungs past?"

"Before he came here? I don't think I do. He was left here but we didn't know who left him."

"Do you think I can try asking him questions about it?"

"I don't think that will be the best idea."

"I know, it's my only choice to find out what happened to him."

"I know you really want to help but we don't know how he will react."

"I'll try anyway! I'll have nurses outside watching Incase anything happens."

"As long as you have back up. Be careful."

"I will, Bye mom."

I left her office and started to think of questions to ask him. I walked over to Taehyungs room.

He looked up at me.

"I need to ask you somethings but you have to answer okay?"

He nodded.

"Firstly, Do you remember anyone bringing you here?"

Taehyung POV:

"M-Mina." I started to remember her features, I forgot I even had a sister. Felt like she was never by my side.



"Interesting, Who is she?"

"N-no" I didn't want to tell her. I just don't want to remember her. I would have nightmares all the time when I first got here..

"Do you know why she brought you here?"

Taehyung's Mind:
DONT tell her. Do.Not.Tell.Her. She will leave.

Y/n POV:

I saw a tear fall down his face.

"It's okay Taehyung, this will be over soon but you need to tell me if you remember anything okay? Do you remember why she brought you here?"

"N-no." He answered unsure

"Tae, I'm here to help you. You need to tell me anything that happens. Are you sure you don't remember anything?"


"Okay, are you okay with getting asked more questions?"

"N-no." He shook his head, I could tell he was feeling uneasy.

"Okay, that's fine. I'll ask them another time but please try to remember. Everything will be okay. I'll be by your side the whole time."

"T-thank Y-you."

"No problem Tae but you need to learn to trust me. I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm just trying to help you."

He nodded. "O-okay."

"Go back to playing your guitar. I'll be here watching."


I don't think having him in this place will help bring back anything to him. I want to see what triggers him and calms him down. I need to get him out of here but how?
To be Continued

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