He did it

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{Y/n's Mom POV}:

I sat outside the surgery room filling in papers waiting for Taehyung to come out of surgery. Right after the doctor left Y/n's room I found out Taehyung was not fine but was in serious danger.

The hit on his head went deeper than we thought.. I just had to wait because there was nothing I could do. It had been 2 hours by now and I was starting to get anxious. I knew if I went to Y/n's room she would want to visit him and I couldn't allow that.. not now.

Never in a million years would I have thought my daughter would have fallen in love with him.

The day we got Taehyung as a patient he was so reserved and quiet until his sprouts of character change when he talked to himself.

After all the trauma he went through I didnt think my own daughter would be able to get through to him which lead to falling in love.

Although at first I didn't approve of their relationship, I would do anything for my own daughters happiness.

As I saw the doctor finally come out of the operation room with his gloves on with blood stains I was prepared for the worst.

"What's going on?" I asked waiting anxiously for his response.

"Well..we saved him," he smiled at me taking off his mask.

"It took a while since he was in critical condition for over an hour but we finally stabilized him, seems like his head did crack part of his skull making his brain a bit vulnerable. We were able to restore it a bit but he's going to need to rest for a while for his skull to fully repair."

"Thank you.."

"It's my job, it's no problem." He looked down at his watch and started to take off his coat and goggles.

"But now that it is my break, do you want to get coffee sometime?" He asked me, I couldn't remember the last time I had a date since Y/n's father. I think it was time to move on..

"I would love to." I smiled and walked away with him as we talked about various things.

{Y/n POV}:

I was being carried away in the surgery room to start the new procedure. Before I they rolled me in there with a bed there was someone else coming out.

They moved me to the side as the other patient went to the other side.

As we passed by him I recognized his face, Taehyung.

I smiled,

He did it.

With the bandages supporting his head and his barley half open eyes I could tell he was okay.

"I love you.." I said under my breath as I entered the room.
For the sake of the story and because the recovery story would be boring I'm skipping to when they are finally getting discharged from the hospital.

"I'm glad you're happy mom." I said as we walked out of the hospital.

"Are you really? If you're not okay with this then I will end it.." she looked over at me.

"No! Don't you dare, you two are meant for each other. I'm glad you're happy and seeing you happy is enough for me." I smiled at her

She side hugged me tighter as we made our way to the car.

After three months of the dreadful procedures I was finally free from the hospital. My legs felt normal again.. a little stiff since I haven't been walking as much but now that I'm finally out.

Taehyung still has to be extra careful but he is doing so much better. The doctors started to give him medicine which helps with the pain. My mom prescribed him more medicine for the voices and he's doing so much better than before.

At the moment he's resting at my moms psychiatric hospital. We were going to the hospital because that was my one wish now that my procedures were over.

To see him.

I needed to talk to him and clear all the misunderstandings. Although he saved me, I still need to give him an explanation.

This could be a new beginning or the end of it all..

Either way he will always be apart of my life

To Be Continued

I made that sound like it was the end heh, it's not, not yet anyways. I have a the last few chapters coming out this week and next week.

Thank you for all the support and for even reading this. Have a great day/afternoon/ night 💜👑

{Taehyung FF}  "Save Me"Where stories live. Discover now