Sharp Pain

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"Give me that." I snatched the drinks and food he put in his Jacket.

For some reason he didn't resist he looked like he was lost in thought.

I went to the register and paid for it.  He soon started to walk again and went outside before I finished paying.

I rolled my eyes, he's changed alright.

"Thank you." I bowed my head and walked out.

"Stop!" I yelled after taehyung who was walking away.

He looked back and stoped for a second then started to walk again.

I thankfully was able to run towards him and catch up.

"Here." I gave him the food I just bought, although I was still starving I wanted to talk to him first.

"How'd you find me." He kept walking not sparing me a glance.

"I honesty have no clue, I just ran into you." I said and sighed.

"What? You expect me to believe that? Are you going to try to take me back?" He scoffed.


"Don't call me that."

"Listen to me... please." I pleaded, I couldn't let him out of my sight.

"Go away y/n, I should've known. I don't need you anymore to take care of me. We are over. I don't know what you wanted from me if it was to save me from something that you didn't know about but it's over. Just leave." He put his hands in his pocket again and kept walking.

I stopped in my tracks and I could tell he noticed cause he also stopped.

"Do you know why I wanted to save you? From what I wanted to save you? Do you have any idea what you're doing right now?! This isn't about me! It's about you." I yelled at him. This town seemed empty and I just needed all my feelings out.

"Do you know how much it hurt when you left? When you ran away from me? Tae... it hurt so much, it hurts so much." I finished saying with tears rolling down my eyes. The hot liquid leaving stains on my face.

He stayed quiet.

And started to walk again.

I need to put my feelings aside and kept following him. My stomach started to growl.

I was a hungry-crying mess.

My eyes started to clear up.

We arrived at a run down home. It kinda looked abandoned but also as if a old couple lived here. They just let the plants out grow and the hours was starting to fall apart.

Taehyung let me into his house. I thought he didn't want anything to do with them...

I got a weird type of shivers as if I shouldn't trust him.

I ignored it and walked in.

I followed him into his small living room with a couch. I was kinda disgusted but I also just tried ignoring it and sat down.

"I'll be back." Was the last few words I heard from him.

I stayed there quietly waiting for his return.

A few minutes passed and I was getting worried, as I was going to turn back I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head.

I instantly blacked out.

To be Continued

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