Whats your Name?

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm.

"Sh*t, I'm late. Tae! Tae! Wake up."

He tried opening his eyes but he was too tired. I decided to get some help. I knew I couldn't take him on my own.

Calling Jimin

Y/n: "Jimin I need your help!"

Jimin: "What's wrong?"

Y/n: "Could you help me carry Taehyung to my car and into his room at the hospital?"

Jimin: "you're lucky we live close to each other."

Y/n: "Thank you!"

End of call

I heard a knock on the door after a few minutes. I went downstairs to answer it and saw that my mom already left to work. I knew I was probably gonna get in trouble. Actually I AM gonna get in trouble but that's the least of my worries right now.

"Come in! Help me bring him downstairs." I told Jimin who let himself in.

We both carried Taehyung downstairs and into my car. Thankfully he was quite a heavy sleeper. We then took him to the hospital and placed him in his bed.

"He's a heavy sleeper." Jimin said adding support to his back with his hands.

"Apparently." I responded

We both are not very athletic..
"Let's go we're already 25 minutes late." He said looking at his phone.
We left towards the school and at this point we're over 40 minutes late.

"Thank you jimin! I'll buy you something later for getting you late to class."

"It's fine as long as I get a donut and a hot chocolate."

"Alright Alright I'll see you later!"

I left towards my math class and sat all the way in the back since I got a lecture from the teacher about being late.

I never usually sit in the back more like in the middle. I never really look back here but I saw a girl with short light brown hair sitting next to me. The teacher gave us time to work on our project that's coming up so we could talk to the people around us.

She looks oddly familiar..

"Excuse me?" I said to the girl next to me.

"What do you want?" Her voice was a bit rough, sarcastic like tone.

"Well you don't have to be rude. I was gonna ask you if you knew how to open the website on the laptop."

"Well, firstly you don't seem important enough for me to be nice to. No I do not know how."

Well okay...? She clearly knew if she's on the website though..

"What's your name?" I said out of curiosity.

"Why do you want to know?" She kept her eyes on the computer.

"I haven't really seen you around" I twisted my body to face her.

"Almost no one does and I would like to keep it that way."

"Do you not have friends?" I knew it was a weird question but she was quite intriguing she just did not care to be nice from the start. 

"Yes, I just choose not to be with them at all times as if my life depended on them like some people." She rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Me?" I felt kind of targeted since I just asked Jimin for help. I also realized she had been keeping an eye on me when I didn't even know who she was. 

"Yes, don't you hang out with that one guy. You guys are always together. Can't do anything without him.."

"Okay then.." I didn't really know what to say.

"Now if you could just shut up and leave me alone it would be greatly appreciated."

"So you're still not gonna tell me your name?"

"No. Leave me alone."

"Fine I'll have to learn it another way then." I turned back facing my computer. I stood up and went over to the teachers desk.

"Do you need anything Ms. Moon?"

"Would you mind telling me the name of the student I sit next to?"


"Just curious since I haven't really seen her around much. I'm just trying to know everyone in the class. You get it right? A better class environment. She seems like she could use a friend."

"Her name is Kim Mina."

"M-Mina?" I questioned quite shocked. I was going to search for her later today but I guess that was faster and easier than I thought.

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"Not at all. Thank you." I bowed. I walked back over to my desk and decided to talk to Mina about Taehyung.

I looked at her for a few minutes and I could tell she was getting more annoyed. I knew I shouldn't interfere but if not now then when? Plus this whole case was so interesting and the worst she can do to me here in the class full of students is yell at me. 

"So, Mina mind talking with me for a bit?" I crossed my arms and legs then looked over at her.

"I see you actually got my name. I do mind actually."

"Well I still need you to share a bit of detail on something or should I say someone.."

"What do you want already. You're very annoying did you know that?" She scoffed and rolled her eyes once again.

"Yes, I did. I just wanted to ask about Kim Taehyung. You know, your older brother.."

She froze. She looked at me in confusion. Probably asking how I knew about him. Or planning my death in her head, either way I needed answers.

"Meet me in the library at lunch. You're gonna talk whether you like it or not."

She looked away and went back to her work. I could tell she was quite annoyed and a bit panicked.
To Be Continued

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