Love Birds

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It's been two weeks since Taehyung got discharged. Just like jimin he recovered quickly and he seems to be doing much better. He can run without hurting and can stretch his whole body. We were watching a movie together downstairs in my living room since it was just seven and my mom wasn't going to be home until tomorrow morning.

As we watched the movie I started to yawn and get tired.

"Hey Y/n?.." he asked softly.
Although I've spent the last few weeks with him, his voice seemed so sweet and smooth. Just hearing his voice made me thankful.
"Yea Tae?" I said while still looking up at the screen.

"I like you." He said looking to his side, at me.

Who knew three words could make me a blushing mess. I tried covering my face but he removed my hands and made me look at him. I met his gaze and got lost in his beautiful eyes.

"I do too..." I blurted out without thinking.
He smiled and trailed his eyes down to my lips. He looked up at me again and I leaned in. Our lips started to move in sync and our breath started to get uneven. As we started to stop kissing he talked again and he looked me right in the eyes.

"I take that back... I love you." He smiled
"I love you too Tae Tae."

"Will you be my girlfriend?"
"I would love to."

I knew this was such a huge risk... no one would ever approve but I decided not to care. Wouldn't know until it happened.

We continued to watch the movie and I wrapped my arms around his waist and I rested my head on his chest. He returned the action by holding me in his grip. This felt so right, so comfortable, something I have been missing.


I woke up to a hard surface but it was oddly comforting. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up. I saw Tae still sound asleep and I smiled. As my vision got clearer I looked ahead of me towards the T.V and I saw my mom standing there with her hands crossed, with a slightly angry expression. I jumped by the sight of seeing her.

She tilted her head motioning me to follow her. I quickly but slowly got out of Taehyungs grip and quickly followed her to the kitchen.

"Explain What?" I chuckled nervously trying to act dumb.

"What I just saw on the couch, you and Taehyung hugging."

"About that... you see, it's not what it looks like."
"Oh really? Then what is it?"


"What?" I repeated

"You're dating Taehyung?"
"Maybe.." I winced waiting for her reaction

"You know I'm not mad right?"

"Well, I'm not, I'm happy."
"Really?"  I squinted my eyes being skeptical.

"Yes.. just be careful I don't want anything bad happening to both of you. Although you're dating him that doesn't change what your job was."

"I know." I looked down.
"Plus, you two looked adorable together."
I smiled at her and hugged her.
"Thank you."

"Thank you." A deep voice from behind me made me jump. I looked back to see Taehyung.
I got out of my moms grip and I faced him.

"Let's go?" I asked worried he would ask what my job was.
"What job?"

"Umm.. Making you feel welcomed." I smiled at him.
"You sure are good at it then."

"Well, I'm happy for you both so what do you want to eat?"

The rest of the day ran smoothly, tomorrow we had to meet with all the boys and go to the skate park. It was Taehyungs idea since he's never been there and I wanted to let him have a way to get back what he missed in his childhood.
To be Continued

Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes I tried making this episode in under fifteen minutes since
I have had a busy week. 💜

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