You know me

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Before this story starts, I would like to announce my new taehyung fan fiction named "Unique" which drops today. It's completely different from this story but I believe it's just as good. It took me five months to completely finishing writing that story. All the chapters are written and I have an upload schedule for it. Please check it out on my profile it would mean a lot. If you don't want to then it's completely fine. Hope you like the chapter 💕

We all arrived at the place Hoseok told us to meet. Apparently he wanted me to tag along incase something happened.

Tae and I walked in and saw that it was just the boys.

"Why is it so empty?" I asked.

"Well, Mr. popular idol over here decided to rent it out so we don't get interrupted." Namjoon said looking at Jungkook.

Jungkook just smiled and shrugged.

"Why are you all sitting down? Get up! Is this not karaoke or what?" I asked trying to hype up the mood.

The evening was normal and calm. They acted like clowns and wore wigs and headbands which made it funnier. Taehyung was having so much fun.. that was until later that evening when a specific song came up.

His eyes became different, the boys noticed it to...

"Standin' on the platform

Watching you go

It's like no other pain

I've ever known

To love someone so much

To have no control

You said, "I wanna see the world"

And I said, "Go"

But I think I'm lost without you

I just feel crushed without you

I've been strong for so long

That I never thought how much I needed you

I think I'm lost without you."
-Lost without you by Freya Ridings.
Click above to hear song.

Jungkook pauses the song and we sat taehyung down.

"Tae...can you hear me?" I said.

Taehyung POV:

I heard the lyrics and it reminded me of the loneliness I felt all these years. Memories flushed in with a blurry figure. It was a him... his voice was familiar.

The psychiatric hospital... Y/n... Mina.. mom.

All of it was fitting in like a puzzle piece.

"Ah hello taehyung, looks like you finally know the truth. Would you look at that... you were Locked up like an animal, your precious girlfriend hid a huge secret from you, your sister was the cause of all of this, and well your mom is not apart of your life anymore. She left you, they will all leave you." The voice inside my head said.

"Stop... go away."

"Tsk tsk tsk." The sounded walked around my head.

"I can't do this... who are you?" I asked

"You see taehyung... the thing is you know who I am, I never left you. I stayed by your side."

"N-No I don't want you by my side." I said I could feel the tears fall down.

The energy I was getting was scary and I felt enclosed. My heart started to beat rapidly.

"You don't mean that, without me everyone would leave you." The voice said.

I was inside my own head... I looked out through my eyes and saw y/n standing there, she was panicked and worried.

"Y/n..." I tried saying out loud but it didn't work.

"You want to talk to her? After she didn't tell you, you were just a way of getting her letter of recommendation? Ha... taehyung didn't think you were this naive. Leave her before she leaves you."

"Tell me who you are." I said once more

"You know who I am."

And with those five words the voice disappeared. My vision became blurry until I could control my eyes again. I felt out of it and saw them all looking at me.

"Taehyung..." y/n said cautious of my state of mine.

"Stop acting." I responded and walked out. I heard them calling after me but something took control of me. I couldn't stay in that room. I needed time to think.

I walked out to the street, my breath uneven and vision blurry. I tried squinting to make it better but it didn't help. I fell straight down... the last thing I said was y/n running toward me then my eyes shut.
To Be Continued

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